The secret life. chapter 47 The Doctors time away.

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The 10th Doctors P.O.V

It had been a few days with katrina. Spending time with her through telpathic mind share. It was a different point of view getting to see katrinas world through her eyes. I hated the boredom and the normal everyday schedules at her school, but it was better than where I was, kept prisoner as one of Rani's Guinea pigs to experiment on while she frightened and tried to threaten katrina all the time. Katrina hated the boredom too and the normal school schedules, it was what she had gone into depression for the longest time as she told me about. But she started to love hate it, seeing that she didn't want to be with Rani in the experimenting lab. She was free as I was not. But while I found the Opertunity to be with her for now I was able to be free with her.

When i do telpathic mind share my body basically passes out as I go in my daughter's mind telpathicly, sharing the same mind, being able to see what she sees hear what she thinks and being able to talk to her like that. To the outside you would see no change unless I decided to show my personality through her, but the real conversations took place in her mind, as we caught up and talked. Like the many times before I did it with her we would always help each other out and talk. With talking with thoughts you tend to learn about some of the feelings and words that you would never show or say out side, and I learned something's I never knew about my daughter conversations I was surprised to hear, some good some sad and some bad.

As I was at her school I was talking through her through the telpathic link, she was telling me about her normal life and how much it frustrated her. I had heard the discussion before she tried telling me but we never got to truly talk about it. She blew up after I had casually funly mentioned my frustration in being bored and the normal everyday schedule. She told about how everyday she was striving for more, someone to talk to, to be with me, to have a more extrodinary life, how lots of days she was so frustrated and down about her normal life she felt empty. I believed her and listened to her. I knew she was lonely, and sad, missing me all the time wanting a more extrodinary life not able to stand her normal life. She felt that way cause its true she didn't belong there. She belonged with me. And she was lonely because I wasn't there for her. It was my fault. I even once yelled in my frustration about her never getting to see me. It was my future self but she still got the burn from that conversation. The fact was she needed me. And where was i? She was stuck in a place where she didn't belong it was my fault I shouldn't of let her use that fob watch in the past. Then the enemys wouldn't of had it and she would of been with me. But no Matter how hard I tried to resolve the problem, it was still my fault, it was the past, I couldn't change the past it was my mistakes but If I changed it she wouldn't of been able to live a life of safety being safe and alive, she wouldn't of met her many wonderful friends here. I couldn't change that wonderful parts in her life.

Even though she could tolerate and deal with her normal life my mistakes still affected her. Now was the time to talk about it. I needed to make up for my mistakes that everyone makes. "Katrina you are extrodinary, and it's true you don't belong here its my fault my mistakes I'm so sorry. I know you're frustrated anyone would be if they knew they were somewhere they didn't belong. I'm sorry for leaving you here and yelling at you. All I did was to protect you. I wanted to be with you, I really did but my enemys kept me from doing it. And now we are in the worst situation with the enemys threatening to catch you and hurt you, and I can't do anything to stop it. It's my fault and I'm sorry. I made mistakes but I'm sorry, I'm going to fix this, I'm going to make up for them once this is all over. I promise."

Katrina answers having settled down but replaced with a tint of sadness "dad. I know. I'm sorry too. You've done so much for me and I can't ever thankyou enough for it. I understand why you did what you did. My life is hard sometimes I get so depressed without you or being able to feel my extrodinary life sometimes. It's not your fault don't tell yourself that. You do your best and I will always thankyou for that. It's our enemies fault for keeping us apart. But none of that matters anymore, it's the past and you're here now. Even though it's not face to face or texting you are still here with me. I can freely talk to you about this stuff. And I've realized I am extrodinary even when I don't feel like it some of the days. Just promise me that you will do your best always to protect me to be with me and to always help to remind me that I am extrodinary because I need you. We are powerful and safe together not apart. We all make mistakes and I know you will do your best to make up for them. I'm glad you are back. I love you dad." She finishes and I smile. My wonderful daughter, working through things, keeping herself encouraged and forgetting the past. She's so grown up now and I missed it. But I wouldn't miss the rest of her life. I would keep trying to be with her. I was glad we talked we were honest with each other and resolved some mistakes that needed to be talked about. We were closer and this was a new dawn for me and her.
Me and my daughter. Together.
I've gotten used to the everyday school schedules with katrina though I still hate waking up early, and when it comes time to do chores of doing dishes. However she hates it too so it makes up for it. I'm content with spending time with her. Keeping her safe even though there not much I can do I will stand with her as long as I'm able to. Her school is where the enemys are secretly planning and spying on her. It makes for some exciting and nervous days I help her keep alert for the enemys. When i do telpathic mind share I take interest in her hobbies. She loves reading adventure books mostly fiction, her way to relate and escape her everyday life. For a long time she's noticed most of the characters she reads about has the same exact situation were in and same personality types.

We had came up with a theory that they could be parrell characters of her. Going through exactly what she is. One moment when I read a part I had a thought to possibly what Rani was up to, what she could be possibly planning with sticking around in Ashleys mind. To make a link to transmit a control beam.

I informed our team about it, told them to keep aware of it. It would be very bad if that was what she was planning. When Alayla came on I was greeted by the master. Rani let him do a telpathic mind share with Alayla like before. But I realized what that meant she needed something, must of had a reason for letting us go so easily like that. I was sure it wasn't just going to be because she wanted to be nice. Just like her mysterious reason for sticking around in Ashleys mind. Then I realized something, if we both were passed out at the base in our cells we don't know what's going on there, and Rani could be doing anything to our body's. To our minds. We made the mistake of letting her trick us, clouded by how much we missed our friends. We may of just made it easier for her....

When i realized this I tried to go back just to see if I could but I couldn't I was met with white and black. I was trapped in Katrina's body and same was with the master with Alayla. Rani may of gotten exactly what she wanted and we fell for it. But I wasn't going to let her near katrina. I would protect her the best I could.

Until she attacks us I will enjoy my time with katrina till that terrible day comes. Me and her together.

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