The secret life chapter 102 The older you get the more it hurts.

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     It was Thursday i had gotten on at my usual time after a retinue normal day of school. as i had expected Ashley was already on and was talking about hearing someone whispering to her, that must be telepathic. because of the mind gap link she assumed i heard it too but in fact i didn't. as she described what the mysterious person was i tried to think on who it was.

Ashley had firstly identified him as Phil but that wasn't his name. that Ashley had seemed to know this person able to identify him Race and everything. his real name was Owen from the race sicalore.

Ashley asks "do you know who he is exactly?"

i reply "no but his name sounds familiar"

"i know right!" Ashley agrees

       i continue "so question is what does this owen want?"

Owen answers "Well I'm here to make a deal. with your little group thing you have."

i still didn't trust him and i was being cautious but i wanted to hear what this Owen wanted so i continued "and what deal would that be?"

he answers "I'm in a bit of trouble. I need a bit of help. I just want to stay here for a few days or weeks and in return protect your little group. And when i leave you don't say anything about me to anyone else. deal?"

i think and i see no reason to trust this person he seemed suspious and we couldn't even uphold his deal. as it was we were trapped. "how would you protect our group? we are as trapped at the moment as ever. we aren't exactly safe or able to harbor you from danger. so."

Owen replies being rude "I'm not one of your peasants. I have way better abilities than you timelords.  I could get you out of trouble and safe. As long as you keep me that way."

         i glare still not trusting this person. who is prideful and demanding a deal we cant hold up to. "well your being rather rude about it." i explain how we are trapped in the situation, with the fixed points and such.

Owen argues "I am not being rude! And I'm sure I could get you out of the fixed points too. with not many con-"

Ashley interrupts "I don't trust you. Get away."

i explain deeply and disagreeing "You cant get out of fixed points. the reason they are fixed. and Ashley is right. we have no reason to trust you. we just met you and we don't know if you are working with the enemies or not."

he answers on his own understanding "If something is fixed it has to be broken first. And I'm smarter than you might think. As I've said before, I'm not a timelord and I'm obviously not human. I have more abilities and knowledge than you could ever imagine."

i argue and don't trust him he didn't even know what a fixed point was. he thought it was like something broken that needed fixed. and he was being rude about the deal we couldn't accept or help with and i told him that.

he finishes "very well. well if you change your mind, i wont be far."

       The next day after school i hear that Nightshade hates hugs and night shade is sitting with Ashley. i start out "I was missing 11 a lot today"

Ashley agrees "yeah. I haven't seen him in a while either."

i think "last time I texted was last weekend ."

"Oh. I haven't seen him since....I don't know." Ashley says

"ok. hope he's alright and Annie"

Ashley describes "Oh god. oh. no. i can hear Annie but oh God what are they doing to her!"

Nightshade answers "Ashley its not real. Trust me its not real."

Ashley argues "I don't want her to be hurt! I want to know what's happening to my kid!"

Nightshade tries to calm her "Its too late Ashley, I'm sorry. they already started and there is no stopping it now."

Ashley stammers nervously "S-Started what?"

         "oh no... what are they doing to her..."

Nightshade continues "I'm sorry Ashley, I really am. I tried my best to prevent this but looks like it all went to waste. lets hope for the best."

I ask "Nightshade what exactly are they doing to her?"

he answers "Its her first time so its probably much more than that. blood test and a record page and so many things happen the first time. I'm so so so sor-"

Ashley interrupts "Don't touch me right now Nightshade. don't even LOOK at me. don't be within five FEET of me right now."

"blimey... poor Annie..." i comment

Nightshade states "Yeah. and she's twelve . It hurts more the older you are on your first time. I had it done to me when i was really 4 I think? it hurt like hell and i still remember it. I cant imagine how it would feel for her"

The phrase he said repeated in my head it hurt more the older you are on your first time. i spoke to me. i knew in the future i would have it happen to me. would it hurt more cause i was older? i knew it was going to be extreme excruciating pain. but this thought made me shudder and i pushed the thought away.

after that Ashley was struggling to get out to save her daughter but nightshade and i disagreed and kept her there. it was too risky. after a little big Nightshade finally was able to distract Ashley from wanting to go after Annie. but that was soon runined by my non trusting Nightshade still thinking hes working against us and i reminded with out thinking, Ashley of trying to get to Annie again.

   a mother trying to save her daughter who is getting hurt. desperate to save her that she would risk herself. in order to do it. it was quite something to admire but not do it so desperately, risking yourself with no way out.

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