The secret life. chapter 96 Revival

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            later that night i was surprised by a greeting from an old friend i hadn't seen in a while, our legendary member. Alayla.

i was on the group texts and i saw she had said hello. i went directly to her profile to text her. she started out "hello!"

"you returned, i knew you would" i say joyfully

she exclaims full of joy and playfulness "I have returned!!"

i continue thinking i should fill her in on the sad news "so can you believe i have news?"

she asks "news?"

I continue about to tell her "yeah bad news unfortunately.." but before i can tell her the news i am interrupted by a ding sound of the notifications from the group chat. i click on it and read what Diana had said and my mouth dropped open with awe. i couldn't believe what she had said.

Ashley had texted first "excitement!"

Diana followed "Hi! Hey, Annies Alive!"

i exclaimed not believing what i was hearing "REALLY!?" I was awed the miracle that i thought was long past gone and unlikely to happen just occurred. and i was lost of words wondering what happened.


         i went back to Alayla's texts she was still asking what the news was. i interrupted her "Never mind!"

"bad news... please tell me." she insisted.

I correct her "Its the thing with Annie. its not bad news anymore."

she realizes "oh okay."

"i missed you today. I had my first ever timey wimey watch expirence today." i announce

"yeah.  I have to go" she announces

"ok bye, stay safe. return soon" i say

"okay, love you" she replies.

       i went back to the group chat to find out more about how Annie was now alive.

"that's brilliant!!" I exclaim

Diana continues "All because of freaking Nightshade"

"Nightshade?" i ask

she continues "I still hate him with a burning passion that burns brightly, i started yelling at him, he guilt tripped me by saying that with Annie  gone, Ashley will commit suicide, and that he was concerned for her. Then he saved her. And, I'm still pissed off because of him he's a jerk and i hate him"

Alayla  asked "why would he save her?"

       Ashley answers "I have a theory why he would save her."

Diana interjects "He said: "That girl is important and i wont let her go"

"most likely cause he wants to have enjoyment with the dream reality and such" i say

Alayla answers "Hmm. depends on what type of enjoyment"

"yeah I know its Nightshades kind of enjoyment" i state

Ashley exclaims "IF HE EVEN TRIES TO HURT HER I WILL BURN HIM IN HELL MYSELF. ok protective parent moment over"

Annie interjects "Hi!"

Diana asks "I thought Ashley sent you to bed, Annie?"

       "oh Annie! we were so worried for you!"  i say to her

Ashley announces "Annie go to bed its night time!"

she argues "I don't want to go to sweep I'm not tired!"

I reply "I'm glad you are still alive. we will do our very best to protect you"

she questions "Huh? still alive? you're making it sound as if I died or something!"

Diana says sarcastically "Good job, kat."

i stray away "um.."

Diana fills her in "Annie, you were, er , asleep for a bit."

she takes it "Okie dokies!"

Diana continues explaining "But, you were forced to go to sleep, which will make you tired, so you have to listen to your mum and go to bed."

      she argues "But I'm not sweepy yet!"

"yes, but you need to sleep." Diana recommends

I read how she says sleep, so adorable and i smile from her cuteness "aww you are so adorable Annie"

she continues arguing "But I'm not ~yawn~ not tired!"

I let Diana, Ashley and my dad handle the cuteness of Annie as i go to bed smiling happy of the miracle that Annie was alive.  

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