The secret life chapter 8 The master mystery

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       When morning was here and Emily was on I told her my dream and she replied saying that she had a dream with the master in it too. He was just watching her behind corners and such. Then grabbed her shoulder and said "stop it" I thought about it and knowing my dream. I came to the conclusion that the master had entered our dreams through telepathy and was intimidating/watching us though it. This event was the secound time my enemys had targeted my friend Emily and the threat the master made in her dream concluded that he was trying to intimate her to stop helping me. She boldly said that she won't let that stop her. It was very brave of her. And it was the right attitude.  My rule. Never let you're enemys intimate you into stop doing what's right. Together we were going to fight on.

       I thought about all the things the master had done in the past weeks. Watching me. Glaring at me. But never attacking me. He has never attacked me directly it was always done indirectly like he was being cautious.  Or waiting for the right moment in his big plan. I kept thinking about what his plan could possibly be. He had been watching me, but is he now attacking me, and watching me in my dreams. There had to be a reason. Ever since the dream I've had a headache my head was really hot which made me think the thing he injected me in the dream actually was injected but I don't think it's mind control because it didn't control me right away.

    One thing I know and take note to is the master bluffs and lies all the time. So I was pretty sure this was a bluff of it being what he said it is. So I think, if it's not a  mind control serum then what is it? It's definitely part of his bigger plan but what that plan is I'm still trying to figure out.

     Why was he so interested in me? What is he after? He could of attacked me directly anytime but he makes sure he does it indirectly.  What is he up to?

    I think in my room trying to piece together the clues. Determined to find out his plan and stop him.

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