The secret life chapter 30 Rising above

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That night i couldn't sleep at all. I tried but i was restless. It was the night before the big fixed point. The master had been captured i was 97% certain he was. And I felt alone. I knew the fixed point was coming but I never wanted to face it alone. No matter how hard I tried to sleep I couldnt. At about 11:30 I gave up sleep.

Too many images going through my mind of what to come the pain the fear. Too many thoughts. I just couldn't sleep. I felt abandoned. Alone. The room around me was quiet. It was strange like time inside that room just stood still.

Earlier that night my human dad came in and told me that we had no school tomorrow because of the snow. It was the second time that week we had no school because of the snow. That day I was almost certain that it was the fixed point. But it's not the first time my assumptions had been wrong on the date of the fixed point. My timey wimey sense screwed up by our enemies. I felt disappointed and empty inside. I was ready for it. It was my dream to be extrodinary and the was the first step to getting to it. I felt mad. Disappointed and empty inside all at the same time.

I felt alone. Felt like my family rejected me in this quiet room that seemed like time never touched it. The fixed point was tomorrow so I would have to wait longer with my empty life, full of the same routines boring and annoying people and no adventure. I realized I expected too much again. I was mad at myself at my empty life. I was mad at Rani and them for tricking me. I was crying out silently for my parents to know what I was to see the life that I was so close to achieving but they would never know. There we danger. There was going to be pain, and fear. But I would see the Doctor I would feel alive again getting my memories back from my long timelord past. I would get captured taking my first step to being extrodinary. I was trying to protect everyone and everything I loved. In this secret war that would change everything.


The next day I talked to Dawn. I told her what had happened. But I didn't tell her how I felt the night before. I was putting it behind me. Trying to forget how down I was. She replied "wow. Two allies captured in the same town" I continued "I'm mad right now. Not only did they catch him, and left me one less ally. They closed school today. Meaning another false alarm and the whole next week and who knows how long till the fixed point is. They really keep trying to keep us guessing and catch us off guard."

I talked more with her and just talking to her cheered me up. She was a timelord too stuck in the same situation. She knew what I was going through at least the general things. I could rely on her. She cheered me up. I thought back to some of the things I said last night in my frustration and anger I was talking to Rani since I couldn't sleep anyway. I was being arrogant. Challenging her. I know she most likely ignored my complaints and talk. But I realized I did it. When I'm angry I get reckless, and arrogant. Just like the Doctor. One of the traits along with pretty much every other trait he has to his personality I found I did. I told Dawn about what I said and my arrogance. She stated perfectly "Time Lord personality flaw. A compulsoin to be arrogant and sarcastic at the worst possible moments." Which she was right.

I told her of how I was yelling telpathicly in my anger. Saying things to Rani like "what are you waiting for!" Truth is I knew exactly what she was waiting on. "

"Catch me off guard. Keeping us confused on when they come. Weakening us. Making us doubt our own insticts." I thought more about it and I knew I wasn't going to let them keep us down Dispite our one less ally we were fighting a war we had to make due. We had to hold up the fort and do our best to stay alert. So i came up with a brilliant way to do that. It was a mission for Dawn and me. We were going to create a school. Of our own, online or whatever way we can. A school for timelords. To teach them important concepts to help them find themselves ,to inform them on the war, to gather allies. We needed more help and this was how we were going to do it. It would help us greatly. We were going to rise above.

We called our team. Team legecy. Because we were the legecy of the timelords of old. In remberance of our home and all the timelords who died during the timewar. We were the legecy of them the defenders of the Earth our home now and defenders of the universe. We were the legecy. Timelords united. And together we would stand.

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