The secret life. chapter 68 A little test.

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        After the night with halie and the warning  about the future, I kept thinking about it. I was still terrified  I couldn't  shake it, more danger than you ever imagined  and it's going  to be soon. Halie  had decided  to stay the next day, she told some spoilers  to diana and the others. Turns out all of my friends  in the future  was at a hospital  recovering it was also half a asylum and halie was the one in it. I kept asking where I was or the Doctor, after a bit of asking halie  finally  told me. Apparently  me and the Doctor  ran off disappearing  after the big battle. Before this I kept thinking  that we were captured  again but as Halie  said this and cleared it up I realized we may just be somewhere  hiding  and enjoying  our time together, catching  up, having fun. It was a beautiful  thought.
    Halie kept telling  us things about the future  that bad things were going  to happen  lots of deaths. Ashleys  mother being upgraded by the cybermen, and lots of danger. The future  that she was telling  was concerning and frightening I was terrified  and worried  for everyone  I loved. She was helpful but she didn't  give too many spoilers  which was good but she still gave a lot to diana and Ashley. She was helpful but she was still talking insanely  which apparently  was what was going to happen  to Ashley  in the future. Diana had found a way to calm her down so she could  talk properly by reminding her of her mother and her being upgraded. It was a sad way to help someone  but it helped a lot I smiled at seeing diana able to help someone.
          As I was chatting  with Diana about things halie said I decided  randomly  I was tired and wanted to take a nap. So I put my tablet  next to me and jumped under the covers ready to take a nap as I had my eyes closed I heard a voice telpathicly and I recognized  it immediately It was Rani.
She started out like the many times she had tried to force  me to sleep by taunting  me, but it was different  this time. "Oh go to sleep sweetheart, it will be more painful if you don't. The test won't take that long only a few minutes  it will be done with before  you know."
Half asleep  half awake I answered her smirking as I opened my eyes "Rani you know you can't get me to go to sleep  I'm a light sleeper and anyway Everytime you try I keep waking up. Oh and don't call me that cause I'm really no sweetheart you always underestimate  me with that. But I'm telling you know I'm no sweetheart."
She continued  trying to get me to sleep getting  frustrated  as I kept waking up "Come on! Go to sleep you little child! It will be more painful if you stay awake. Although.. if you don't go to sleep that might be more fun."  "I'm no child Rani. And I'm not going  to sleep!"
      Finally  after enough trys she gave up trying to make me fall  asleep  and I woke up immediately  sitting up and trying to figure  out what had happened. I thought to myself I was taking a nap. I wasn't even tired... this is strange. And I heard Rani in my head.. was that just my imagination  or was she trying  something? Is she done with it or is she going to try to continue  it? I had to tell one of my Friends about this attack by Rani so I opened up my tablet  again and started texting  to diana who was the only one on at the time.
"Guys.. I think we've  got a problem"

Diana answers "yeah?"

I answer slowly  "Well it's Rani"


"I think she tried  attacking  me Or doing something  like that"

She answered "oh.. oh. How do you know?"

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