"Y/N, wait. Maybe he didn't recognize it was you. There are many people here and to top it all off, you look hella gorgeous; more than you normally do. Hopefully he will wheel back around and see it was you." She says comforting my hurt ego.

"Pfft, I'm okay. And you know...you're probably right. This room is filled with different people; it would honestly be hard to find anyone you might know here." I concurred and Eunji stops in her tracks; stunned by the sight of someone.

"Holly hell..." she exclaimed; taking the last sip of her drink.

"...What is it?" I ask and Eunji turns my body to face in the direction she was looking.

You know that feeling you get in the back of your throat where everything dries up and all your tasting is pure salt? Yeah...that was the exact feeling I had seeing who now arrived at the party.

In walks Kim Taehyung and I could feel half of the room's attention was locked him. With his neatly fitted suite and crisp white shirt; he sinks his hands in both sides of his pants pockets making his way to the center of the room. However, there was something different about him. His hair color had changed again. But only this time; it was black.

Again...Taehyung never ceases to amaze me. And I was absolutely disappointed in myself for even finding him striking tonight.

Viewing the room as he walks out of my sight; I saw two more familiar faces following behind him. With my mouth hallway open and a tilt of my head; I am hit with the thought of walking up to the person I knew the most.

"I'll be right back." I say to Eunji as I threaded through party goers and tapped Jimin on his back.

With a swift turn his eyes widen but without fail he recognizes me and brings me in for a hug.

"Y/N, hey! W-what are you doing here? I thought you had a-...wait, is this your friend's birthday party you were telling me about?" Jimin asks and I nod.

"Yeah. Namjoon invited me. Well me and Eunji." I added as Eunji walks up to us.

"Eunji? I've seen you around campus before; haven't I? Hi, I'm Park Jimin." He introduces himself; extending his arm to her. And I am taken aback by his smooth yet attractive style.

Eunji reaches for his hand in thoughts to shake it; but instead, Jimin turns her palm face down and gently kisses it.

With a giggle that caught me of guard, Eunji playfully slaps my back; blushing at this sweet encounter.

"Y/N, you didn't tell me you knew Jimin." She smiles staring at him.

"Well she didn't tell me she had such a pretty friend either." Jimin responds as he releases her hand and I am now convinced he was in full-fledged flirting mode.

At this point Eunji's cheeks were flushed red and I knew I had to say something before her nose started bleeding.

"Wait, Jimin...you know Namjoon too?" I question and He nods.

"I do, for a while now actually. This is my 3rd birthday party attending of his. We always come together to these events."

"We?" I ask and I suddenly see an arm wrapped around Jimin's shoulder.

"Yes, we." Jungkook intervenes and I am instantly reminded of the events that took place the last time I saw him. "...Wow...Y/N." he says as he looks me up from head to toe. "Aren't you looking exquisite. Turning heads tonight are we?" He states, stepping closer as he gazes down at my chest then to my eyes. "...We need to talk." He whispers in a low deep voice.

"...What about?" I ask and he simply smirks.

In one swift movement he moves forward; sliding his arms around my waist and smoothly whispers in my right ear.

"You know exactly why. It's about that night at Blue Ocean. So please, follow my lead for just a few minutes and I promise you, every answer you're looking for...will be given to you. I guarantee it." Jungkook implies, then grabs a hold of my hand pulling me away.

"Where are both going?" Jimin asks stepping forward.

"I want to introduce Y/N to someone real quick. We'll be back in few." He announces to Eunji and Jimin who were giving us a peculiar look.

At first, I questioned Jungkook's intentions and mines as well.

Last Saturday was absolutely draining. I wanted to forget about that night and move with my life. But still, a part of me was curious and I had many unanswered questions.

So...I decided why not. I'll see what Jungkook had to say..., just this once.

"I'll be right back. Okay?" I told Eunji, with a touch of her hand.

"Okay." She answers; nodding to match.

Walking hand in hand with Jungkook as he effortlessly links arms with mine; I went with him to a place that held secrets, which I myself wasn't prepared for at all.


I grew anxious as I followed Jungkook for what seem like a good couple minutes. We had strayed away from the party and were now somewhere I could barely recognize. Luckily before leaving the room, I was able to give Namjoon's gift to an event worker for safe keeping.

The halls stretched out as we came to a turn and we were now in an area that had different rooms that was only separated by large thick royal blue curtains. The feeling of this place seemed off. Also, the atmosphere was powered by lust. It was thick and heady; and I was far from my comfort zone.

Stopping in my tracks I look at Jungkook who was now before me, threading leisurely through the hall.

"Where are we going? I thought you were going to give answers. Or as you told Eunji and Jimin..., that you were going to introduce me to someone?"

"Oh I am. As a matter of fact; I want you to meet two people. One of which you might already know." Jungkook states as he turns to look at me with a mischievous smile.

This guy was different from Taehyung. I didn't know Jungkook personally but judging by his character; he definitely knew how to play the game.

"...Now I could have sworn they came this way when we arrived. Don't tell me we missed them." He says, looking from one side to another.

"...This is getting silly. Let's forget about it and turn back." I voiced turning on my heels to walk away.

But before I could take a step forward, Jungkook and I heard a stumble of feet's along with delightful laughter.

"Found you~." He softy sings walking closer to the room from which the sounds came from.

I was too nervous to move along with him, I had no idea what the outcome would be.

Turning to look at me as Jungkook reached out his hands; he sighs.

"Why are you just standing there? You wanted answers, right? Well, here's one of them."

With amble steps; I move to where Jungkook stood then took his hand.

Guiding me to one of the large heavy curtains that separated us from the room inside; he gestures me to look in as he slowly and steadily cracks the satin drapes for my viewing. The beating of my heart began to pick up pace; for I wasn't sure what to expect. But as soon as I saw what was happening inside that room; my breath stops, seeing Soonjin and another woman passionately kissing with nothing but their intimates on. The sight was without a doubt steamy and erotic as both women took turns in gently nipping at each other lips. I could blood rushing to my face; getting hot just watching them. Hands gliding across each other's body; removing one garment after another with it slowly slipping; as full breast started revealing it's bare self's, with rosy pink nipples erected.

"...Care to join?" Jungkook softly whispers in my ear as his lips touch against skin and I gasp. With the sound of air escaping my lips it instantly alarmed Soojin and her partner.

"Who's there?" I hear Soojin voice and Jungkook quickly grabs me by the arm; pulling me into another room.

Placed with my back against the wall and his arms around my waist; I was pressed beneath Jungkook; waiting and hoping that Soojin doesn't find us.

Part 1 of; Where truth, love, and lust collide 

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