
The Party

I was crazy nervous.

Never have I ever been to something this grand and I was utterly relieved that Eunji talked to me out of my original attire.

If you wanted a clear picture definition of a lavish and affluent; this room screamed it. It was a grand and spectacular place which had the most beautiful view of the city I have ever seen before.

"Holy...shit, this place is..."

" ...fricking amazing!" I vocalized, finishing Eunji's sentence.

And it was! The impressive details that the interior designer put into this room deserved an award. And I officially knew why this party was such a big deal.

Gripping the gift bag I held as Eunji and I minced through the room; I quickly felt very gauche and out of place seeing that I was legit the only person carrying a present in hand. Turning my head to view each and every corner; I quickly realized how silly I was for even considering there would be some form of gift table at this kind of event.

There was no doubt about it; every single person in here reeked of upper class. And I soon began to register just what kind of background Namjoon came from. His father was vice president of Korea university, his car alone looked like it was worth way more than my college tuition and just by looking at all of this here...I felt like I was in way over my head thinking that a small gift like this would impress him.

As much as I tried to reject the thoughts of my gift to him not being good enough; the room itself was easy to read.

Watching, as partygoer's passed us by; I could saw how the men here were handsome and cleanly cut. But damn...the women were undoubtedly beautiful too. Gracefully strutting in their high heels; gliding across the room as if they learnt how to walk in them from an infant age. Was I the only one feeling just a little insecure?

"Hello ladies, can I offer you any champagne? It's one of the houses favorites." A very attractive waitress proposed as she walks up to us, with the bubble filled glasses sitting on her pristine sterling silver tray.

"Yes! Thank you!~" Eunji rejoiced drawing a glass from it.

"No, I'm good. Thanks though." I declined and Eunji stares at me as the waitress nods and walks away.

"You don't drink?"

"I do but...I'm not a big drinker. My alcohol tolerance is....ehhh." I respond, motioning with my hand. "So I tend to avoid drinking overall."

"Oooof~ well, maybe you should take a swing now because, here comes your man." She gestures with her glass; pointing across the room and my body tenses.

I wanted to silently take this time and kneel down to pray. For the heavens have been good, blessing the earth with such man. Kim Namjoon always looked like a snack. But tonight, oh tonight...he looked like a full course meal and as a special treat; dessert.

I would be lying if I said I didn't want any of that Champaign; but I really wanted to keep a clear head meeting him.

With his captivating smile as he greeted a couple of guest; my heart thumbed heavily wondering if he would come to us next.

"Psst, he's coming this way." Eunji whispers; nudging me with her arm as I got excited biting down on my bottom lip. But my anticipation was soon shot down with just a glance and a nod from Namjoon; as he passed us by.

For a moment I stood there like a stone cold statue; frozen in my tracks.

Now shifting my gaze; only to his back facing us, I clicked my tongue and walked away in the opposite direction.

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