A Part Of Me, From Me To You - Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

Not this time though.

"Soraru-sa-" I started by calling out his name.

"Mafumafu," but Soraru-san cut me off, his tone was colder than ever, a tone he had never, ever used on me before. "Do you have any idea what you were talking about?"

Kashitarou-san was looking really nervous, probably because this was also the first time he saw Soraru-san get mad at me. I was nervous too, but he was my Soraru-san, I should know him better than anyone else. I wasn't going to let his aura as the head of a yakuza family put pressure on me.

"I was saying I'll go in everyone's stead," I repeated what I just said earlier during the meeting, before everyone else left. "If it's information we're lacking, I can-"

"I'm not letting you do this, Mafumafu," Soraru-san cut me off again, not allowing me to explain myself further.

"Soraru-san, I used to work for the pleasure quarters, gathering information was my forte," I explained anyway. I could see Kashitarou-san break a sweat over there as he listened to our conversation, and I certainly did feel bad for him. It must be terrifying to see someone go against Soraru-san.

"I don't have to remind you that you don't belong there anymore, right, Mafumafu?"

"But I could easily get people to spill if I went in in disguise as one of them-"

"Kashitarou, on second thought, could you leave as well?" Soraru-san broke me off and put up a hand at Kashitarou-san. He was visibly frustrated, and I could feel knives stabbing into my chest as I thought about how I was the reason why he was like this. "I thought I could have you convince Mafumafu about not going, but it seems I'll have to do it myself,"

Kashitarou-san nodded, and retreated out of the room as he was told. Before he closed the door shut, he gave me a warning look, telling me once again to back off from this whole deal, and then he was gone, leaving just me and Soraru-san in the meeting room.


Soraru-san stood up and walked towards me. I backed away on reflex, until my back touches the wall, he placed both of his hands on either side of my body, trapping me in his arms as he stared into my eyes, capturing me with his gaze.

"... Soraru-san-" I called out again, but he surprised me with a kiss.

My eyes widened with surprise. I wasn't expecting that at all because it didn't seem like the right timing.

"Soraru-sa-" I said, and he kissed me again.

Each time I tried calling his name, he would peck me on the lips so I wouldn't be able to continue my sentence. In the end he caught me in a deep kiss, and I could feel his anger from his kiss. This was bad, he was making my hips lose strength and I grabbed onto his sleeves, wanting him to stop, afraid of falling. But he broke the kiss just in time before I actually fell onto my feet.

"Are you not going to listen to the head of the clan's order to not partake in this?" Soraru-san asked, his eyes were hardened, his voice was still as cold as it was just now.

"If it's something that could help you, I'll do anything to help," I said as I kept my ground.

Soraru-san lowered his head and sighed heavily with a hint of annoyance in it. I wasn't able to see his facial expression at all so I couldn't quite predict what he was thinking then, but when he lifted his head up to look at me again, the colour in his eyes had softened, his brows drooped down worriedly. His expression was softer than before, but he was still serious about making me back off from this whole mess.

"... Is it because I pamper you a little too much?" he said sadly.

"That's not it...!" I said, denying that statement with all my might. I couldn't bear the pain when he sounded so upset that I was not listening to him.

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