Omega in Space - Plance.

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Fear ran through her body as she looked in her bag, she slowly pulling out the box she always kept hidden and when she looked inside she stumble back scared of the answer. 

She only had two pills left and her heat started soon. 

She lied to the garrison about being a beta since they didnt accept Omega but now she was in trouble. 

How could she face the galra during her own heat, she wouldn't even be able to stand let alone fight a lion. 

What would the others think, will they still let her be apart of voltron or would she be thrown away. 

She needed to find a way to control her heat but how, they weren't on earth and the earth shop in the space mall didnt have any pills. 

She was running out of her time and she had no clue how the others would react. 

She slowly reached for the mostly empty box and ran to Coran, she remember him talking about his own medication for the king and other alteans back in the day. Maybe he could make new pills for her and thanks to him being altean he wouldn't understand what the pills really do. 

She held the box tightly in her pocket as she ran, she was scared for the first time in her life she was scared to be an omega. 

As a child she didnt care for her second gender and just kept being the sassy smartass she was while taking her pills. She never worried over finding an alpha to bond with or being treated different over her second gender. 

She had her own problems way before her second gender was given out, she was use to how mean the world could be but she kept pushing forward.

But now, she was terrified of what her new family may say over her secret. 

She cared for them and she couldn't face the fact if they pushed her away once they find out. 

She needed to keep hiding this from them but she knew her luck was running out. 

She found Coran in the controls room and after looking around to make sure it was clear, she walked in. She talked with Coran begging him to make some more of these pills for her and not to tell anyone. Once she got the space uncle to agree she left with the fear sitting within her bones. 

Two days Coran told her it would take, well two days were too long but she couldn't expect him to rush since this was new to him. 

She just needed to lock herself up in her room and beg the gods to not let any galra attacks happen until the pills were ready. 

But as she was walking back to her room she felt her body warm up as lust filled her blood. She could sense all the alphas around her and her body begged to let them have her. She leaned on the wall slapping herself trying to stay in control while she walked towards her room as fast as she could. 

She felt the world becoming a blur and her body was becoming weak as it begged to be fucked. She looked up as she felt someone calling out to her and saw bright blue eyes. 

"l-lance" she mutter before falling to the floor blacking out without warning. 

"its gonna be ok pidgin, dont worry .. your going to be just fine .. I'm going to protect you .. I promise" Lance voice spoke with care as he carried her like a princess, his jacket wrapped around her and his hood hiding her face while he ran down the halls. 

Her eyes opened slightly to see his panic face and she notice his lip was bleeding. Her hand moved to his cheek while her thumb played over his lip making him turn to her in shock. His eye widen as she snuggle into his chest instead of punching him.

"warm" She giggled, her cheeks red as her sweet scent leaked more making him fight for control even more. 

He finally reached her room and placed her on the bed, biting his arm as she grabbed his shirt not wanting to leave his arms. He pulled away and ran outside her room as her sweet scent leaked even more. He placed the overlock on her door before falling to the ground, he knew an omega heat could be strong, his younger sister had one but he never felt one like this before. 

This one made his inner alpha rage on a war to take control and make her his forever. He cared for pidge and couldn't let her heat destroy her own future over him losing his own cool.

He slowly made his way to the control room calling for everyone but pidge to come to the control room. He was a mess and he was still trying to calm himself down. The others walked in slightly panic after seeing Lance face and he told them everything. That when they learned she just gone to see Coran for new pills and Coran decided he would try and make them as quick as he could after being told about an Omega heat. 

Hunk volunteering on taking Pidge her food and checking up on her since he was the only Beta out of the humans. Shiro seemed less affected thanks to him having his own bonded mate already, he didnt get such alpha eagers towards anyone but his partner. Keith walked over to Lance, telling him to shower and get checked up after biting himself so much. 

A day passed and Coran finished making her heat pills, he passed them to hunk who gave them to pidge who was back to her normal self a little. Hunk frowned as pidge looked to herself in shame and hated herself for coursing so much trouble. Hunk tried to tell her it was ok and that no one was upset but she was just embarrassed for being so useless over her own body, something Hunk couldn't truly understand. 

Once night came pidge walked out of her room knowing everyone else would be asleep. She needed to clear her head but she couldn't face anyone not right now. She didnt notice she still had Lance jacket on until she reached the star gazing room and saw her reflection. 

A slight blush on her cheeks as she looked at herself so happily and comfy in his jacket. 

"pidge" Lance mutter surprised to see her up.

"l-lance" she stutter as she turned to face him, seeing him in his normal blue jeans with his white and blue baseball top. 

"how are you feeling" He asked with slight worry and notice her looked to the floor.

"I'm good thanks, sorry i caused a lot of trouble" She frowned making him frown before he blushed noticing she was in his jacket.

"its ok, nothing bad happened and its just a normal human bodily thing. I'm just glad your safe" Lance ramble with a blush and rubbed the back of his neck.

"your not mad" She asked shocked and lifted her head to look at him.

"no i was worried for you but i know your safe now" He smiled gently noticing her blush grow. 

"i um, still have your jacket" She mutter making him chuckle.

"yeah, i know" He grinned and she giggled. 

"I'll wash it and give it back to your later" She smiled sweetly.

"no need, i think i prefer you in it" He grinned before freezing at what he just told her.

"flirt" She joked and they laughed.

"why dont we head back to bed its late and well I'm gonna need my partner in crime to be awake when we play video games together" He smiled and reached his hand out to her.

"i wont lose" She smirked and took his hand as they started walking. 

I know but i wont go down without a good fight" He grimed and the two teased each other as they walked back to the hall with everyone rooms. 

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