A Captain - Shidge.

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A time of war

Where death and pain is often filling the air

But love is still formed during such times

Just like tonight

A young girl of eighteen dressed in a simple Light green and white formal dress. Her long hazel hair down with the sides tired into a crown with a black ribbon. She had no make up on showing her cute freckles over her cheeks and nose not caring if others might think of her as ugly. Her bright hazel eyes looked around the room nervously as she stood in a corner after her friend left her after a young lady asked him to dance, well more pulling him by the arm onto the dance floor.

She was one who trouble socializing and being a lady that men would wish to marry. She was smart but short, she didnt have a pretty face like most girls and she didnt act that girly either. She dose try and talk with others but always becomes a mess or use her brain trying to make conversation only to scare others away for knowing more then a lady should. 

She has dated but only a couple men during her teen years since not many would chose her and those who thought they could handle her would end up cheating and leaving her. Her parents killed before the war leaving her and her brother to live in a world and her brother didnt see anything wrong with his younger sister. So when he went off to fight in the war leaving her alone, she became a loner and most stayed away unless they made fun off her. She had one childhood friend known as Keith but that is just as awkward as her and didnt seem to mind she was strange but then again he was only strange. 

She wasn't happy when her brother matt and Keith joined up to be soldiers but she knew she couldn't stop them. But right now she was mostly mad at Keith who was visiting on leave, dragging her to a soldier party. Yes he was forced to come but why did he force her along too. 

That when she saw him, a man that made the world seem a little brighter. He was tall and strong, his formal soldier uniform made him seem like a god. He had silky midnight black hair with a fluffy white tuff at the front. Gentle grey eyes that shined in the light and a wonderful smile that made her heart jump. She looked at his face, he was truly handsome and she felt herself blush as he glanced to her. 

She panic inside as he walked towards her, she felt like they were the other two in the room as their eyes locked. He smiled as he reached her and she gave a shy smile back. 

"hello miss, may i stand with you" He asked with a gentle smile.

"of course, the party might be more fun if i wasn't standing alone" She joked making him chuckle slightly.

"not a party person" He asked as he looked her over, blushing slightly.

"not a people person, sadly" She frowned and he nodded.

"well i hope you wouldn't mind hanging with this person" He joked and she giggled.

"i would truly love it if you joined me" she smiled sweetly making his smile grown.

"Captain shiro but a lady as beautiful as you may call me takashi" He smiled softly and gave a small bow.

"Katie" She smiled warmly as her cheeks burned from his calling her beautiful.

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