Ghost Hunters - Shidge.

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A team of six made up the 'voltron' ghost hunters. They were always on the hunt for ghost but not to harm them, only to save them. They wanted to help ghosts pass on to the other side, so when someone or some place was being haunted they were be called. At first the city thought the group was just children who never grew up. But now everyone believes in their work and leaves them alone to work. 

The group was in a mansion, a mansion where a single mother lived with her two daughters, her older sister and her older sister son. They had been haunted for over a year and at first it was harmless, so they didnt call anyone. But last month the son was attacked and it became unsafe for the family making them call Voltron.

The group came running and the nice family gave them rooms to stay in while they fixed the ghost problem. It was now night and the group was walking around since the attacks mostly happen at night. They had a reporter joining them on the case since she wanted to help give the group a good name and let people known they can call for help over ghosts issues.

Voltron was made up from Keith, Lance, Hunk, Matt, Pidge and shiro. Shiro had a secrete that he could see ghosts and dead people without the ghost gadgets. But he never told anyone, not even his team since he was worried how others would see him. The only problem is he would happily punch a ghost without thinking and well he notice a problem. It seemed harmless and harmful ghost love to hang around another member known as pidge. She was short but sassy, a smartass badass as the others called her. Shiro notice there always a ghost hanging around her and well some do try and tease her but shiro always stands in and would randomly pull her to the side or lift her. He knew he should really tell someone or at least pidge since she would just look at him when he randomly moved her trying to avoid the ghosts.   

The reporter was known as allura and she was a famous reporter who only told the truth. She heard the rumours of voltron and wanted to see if they were really ghost hunters who could help others.

 The group froze as a girlish screamed filled the halls.

"i know its spooky but you really dont need to scream so much little miss" Allura frowned and turned towards pidge who stood unaffected next to shiro. 

"that was lance" pidge smirked and turned to the tall thin boy who was standing behind her and holding her shoulders in fear. 

"what, i felt like something touched my butt" Lance pouted back while the others rolled their eyes.

"oh my, sorry for the mix up" Allura mutter and Pidge just giggled before the group started walking again. 

Shiro smirked as well there was a ghost around them who did touch lance butt, but it wasn't the ghost they were after. Shiro notice the ghost stalking pidge since this morning and pushed Lance behind her as the ghost reached for her butt to grope. Shiro did feel bad about making lance get grope by a ghost but it got the ghost to back of pidge. 

The group started walking again and lance seem to calm down. He was walking with a scared hunk and an annoyed Keith. But as they turned another corner another girlish scream was heard.

"lance" Keith growled.

"guilty" Matt sighed embarrassed and Allura looked to him in surprise.

"oh my" Allura mutter as she looked to matt who was the screamer this time.

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