V Team - Part 2 - Shidge.

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"put the knife down" Keith sighed as pidge held one of his throwing knifes.

"he doesn't need two eyes" Pidge grumbled back. 

"knife" Keith frowned and held his arm out.

"fine, i just blow him up" Pidge mutter as she passed the throwing knife to Keith.

"just dont get his blood on your uniform, actually when do we wash our uniform" Keith replied and looked to pidge who shrugged.

"you mean when do i do them, after every mission, you welcome" Hunk called back. 

"still making trouble i see" Sam mumbled as he stood up from sitting on the storage room and pidge glared at him.

"your one to talk" Pidge grumbled. 

"says the one who was going to take the right path and never fall to the same as me" Sam huffed. 

"i didn't take the same path as you, i took a slightly better path that didnt harm those important to me" Pidge growled and Hunk hid behind a nervous lance while Keith took a step away from pidge. 

"just becuase the goverment have ok these actions doesn't mean they would legal" Sam grinned back. 

"well at least i didnt promise mum that i wasn't doing such horrible things anymore while still doing them and ran away when it because too dangerous. I didnt run as they raped and killed her or when they attacked matt sending him to hospital. He didnt leave the hospital for two whole years and when he did awake he forgotten everything, he started living with a new family being their son and their brother. I didnt leave the daughter to suffer all alone with the sins you made and had to fight to protect herself" Pidge hissed back and sent a death glare towards him.

"you cant blame me for all of that, your mother knew the type of work i did and knew i wouldn't just quit. She could have left our home at anytime but she didnt. You can also not blame me for how you turned out, you chose your own path in life" Sam mumbled back and Pidge went to attack him but someone lifted her up by her hips.

"i feel like Jesus" Pidge mutter surprised and heard a small chuckle behind her she knew to belong with shiro.

"be the better person" Shiro replied as pidge turned to look at the man holding her in the air.

"i shall be the better person as i shove my foot up his ass" Pidge replied with a calm smile.

"pidge, we cant have him harmed during our mission. Try and kill the guy once the mission over" Keith sighed and Pidge took a deep breath while muttering curse's as Shiro lowed her.

"i think its best if you just keep a distant from our friend" Lance warned Sam who nodded.

"pidge" Hunk started to say but pidge just waved her hand.

"I'll go patrol the area, maybe if I'm lucky someone would tried and kill me" Pidge mumbled back and walked out the storage building.

"i think i might go join us" Shiro frowned and ran after her to catch up but froze as he heard Keith question.

"so who are you" Keith growled and crossed his arms.

"her father" Sam replied and shiro turned to the man in shock before shaking his thoughts away and running after pidge. 

He ran around wondering where the small lady could be, he looked left and then right looking for a figure. But nothing making him worry slightly but as he took a deep breath he notice something or someone standing as they looked to t he night sky. 

He took simple but long steps trying not to scare her as he walked over. He stopped beside her and she glanced to him offering a small smile. He smiled back and they both turned back to the stars in the night sky. 

He tensed as he felt her small hand hold his but he soon relaxed and locked their fingers together. A peaceful silent filled between them as they enjoyed the sparkling stars before them and the warmth they shared from the other. 

"thank you" She whispered shocking him as he glanced to her but she just stayed looking to the stars with a soft smile. 

"your beautiful" he mutter with a gentle smile watching her cheeks burn a rosy colour from his words. 

She turned to him her hazel eyes shining under the stars and she looked his gentle grey eyes. He felt pain before just like her and he had a spark of hope in his eyes once more. He lifted his human hand pushed some of her hair behind her hair before placing his hand on her cheek. He smiled as she leaned into his hand closing her eyes. 

"Katie" She whispered with a warm smile as she slowly opened her eyes looking at him. 

He stood stunned and she giggled making him smile towards her.

"a lovely name" He spoke in a calm tone and she just smiled at him, her eyes sparkling. 

"we should head back" She smiled not looking away from his eyes. 

"we should" he smiled and she giggled and he pulled his hand away.

"I'm not supposed to get close to someone I'm protecting during a mission, ya know" She mutter as they started walking back.

"then i see no problem with me finding once your mission is completed" He replied with a small smirk.

"depends, can you find a ghost" She teased making him chuckle.

"well as long as i believe in them then I'm sure i can find them" He smoothly replied and they walked back inside the storage building. 


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