Galra - Kidge.

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Keith was galra, everyone took the news differently. 

After all the Galra was there enemy right now and was the reason of this war. 

Allura and Coran, well they didnt take the news well at all and hated Keith, not even trying to hide their disgust toward him. 

Lance, Hunk and Shiro well they weren't sure what to think and kept their distant to try and sort how their feelings and the crazy mess in their heads. 

Keith was being pushed away from the team and avoided by his friends, no his family. He was hurt and was slowly breaking. He kept to himself more he did when they first met and made sure not to be in the same room as the others. Unless it was about a mission plan or voltron being called. 

He changed his training times to later knowing everyone else would be asleep and not come near him. He ate after everyone else and walked the longer way round the castle, so he wouldn't bump into anymore. 

He did try talking with the others when he first found out the news himself, he was a mess inside by the galra news. But the others wouldn't listen they only saw him as galra not as Keith the red Paladin who were fighting beside them. 

Keith knew it was late and was walking towards the training room but freeze as he notice pidge sitting on a training bot shoulders messing with the wires in the robot head.

"oh Hey, you might want to step back this thing might explode" Pidge mumbled not taking her eyes away from playing with the wires.

"you could just tell me to leave instead of coming up with a silly excuse" Keith frowned and Pidge lifted her face up showing grease over her cheeks. 

"ouch, yikes you think after being the arms of voltron together for so long you would trust me as much as i trust you" Pidge grumbled slightly hurt by Keith arms.

"i do trust you" Keith mutter back with worry as he saw her hurt face.

"then what with the comment" Pidge asked going back to the wires.

"well, dont you hate me now since I'm galra" Keith asked unsure if he wanted to know the answer.

"did you take my family" Pidge asked.

"no" Keith replied.

"did you try and kill me or my friends" Pidge asked.

"no" Keith replied.

"will you hurt me" Pidge asked glancing to him.

"of course not, i could never hurt you pidge" Keith replied with pride.

"then why should i hate you, i mean the blades are galra and they seem like good guys" Pidge sighed.

"but everyone else treats me different since we found out the news" Keith frowned and crossed his arms.

"Keith the red paladin of voltron. Keith and Pidge the arms of voltron who hold a great bond together. Keith who acts cold while secretly really caring for others and protects them even by risking his own life. Keith a guy i trust with my life and could never hate. The guy who can understand me and i can talk with without even saying a single word. Keith you may be Galra but your still the asshole i know and the asshole who i would want standing by my side" Pidge smiled softly her cheeks slightly rosy as she turned to him.

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