Love Curse - Plance.

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"so the reason you jumped out of the blue lion on to the planet while the galra was shooting at us because you saw a pretty flower and wanted to bring it back to the castle to show us" Allura spoke in a clam voice trying to show her anger towards lance. 

"no, i wanted to show pidge not everyone" Lance replied with a slight frown as he held the flower with the alien mud and the flower roots attached in his hands. 

"you really are something Lance" Shiro replied with a stunned smile and ran his hand over his face.

"yeah, my teachers use to say that a lot" Lance smiled proudly and the others looked at him like he was an idiot.

"buddy, just stop" Hunk mumbled as patted Lance arm. 

"my brain cant even" Keith mutter as he rubbed his temple while looking at Lance. 

"sounds like someone been hanging out with Lance" Pidge teased as she walked into the control room still in her paladin armour, everyone else already took theirs off and was waiting in the control room for her.

"what have you been doing for the past twenty minutes, i thought you went to take your amour off" Coran asked and Pidge frowned.

"my straps are stuck, I'm struggling and after swallowing my pride ... i need help" Pidge sighed feeling embarrassed she needs help with her armour.

"aww pidgin cant dress herself" Lance teased and Pidge glared at him. 

"please dont wind her up until after we get her out of her armour, getting blood out of the amour already heard without it being an idiot blood" Coran grumbled.

"stay still" Keith mutter as he walked over starting with Pidge arms armour first but even he was struggling a little. 

"I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling" Pidge smiled feeling less embarrassed. 

"yikes pidge, these straps are being stubborn" Shiro frowned as he came over to help undo her leg armour. 

"did you spill something over your  armour" Hunk asked with worry as he watched Keith and Shiro struggle while Pidge tried her best to stay still while they pulled her all over the place trying to free her from her armour. 

"it doesn't seem like she did but pass your armour to Coran once your free from it and he check it over" Allura replied.

After a good ten minutes pidge was finally out of her armour and stood in her under suit just stretching since she was pulled all over the place. Shiro and Keith stood catching their breath slightly and shaking their sore hands from pulling the straps apart. Hunk just looked at them with worry while Coran picked up her armour ready to check them over. Allura turned back to Lance who was staring at pidge still holding the flower, its roots and the pile of mud in his hands. 

"Lance, your please do something with that flower before you get any more mud in the castle" Allura frowned. 

"i agree, getting mud all over the place cause me more work" Coran grumbled and Lance walked over to Pidge with a huge grin.

"Hey Pidgin, isn't the flower pretty" Lance asked with a sweet smile as he lifted his arms showing the flower with green and blue swaying petals. 

"wow its beautiful" Pidge whispered with a shine in her eyes as she looked at the flower in his hands, a smile growing on lance lips as he watched her reaction.

"wanna hold it, i thought maybe you could check the altean files and look for the name of this planet then maybe we could keep it alive in the castle" Lance mumbled with a hopeful smile.

"sure, it would be nice to keep it alive for awhile" Pidge smiled and looked to lance.

"wanna hold it" Lance asked with a grin and Pidge nodded while putting her hands together before Lance passed it over, carefully placing the flower in her small hands.

"wow" Pidge mutter as she looked at it up close not noticing the smile on Lance face as he watched.

"well, why dont you be taking it to your little lab and I'll find something for her to place it in" Lance smiled and Pidge nodded before walking away. 

"Lance, did i ever tell you how amazing you are" Coran smiled as he dropped Pidge green amour turning to lance.

"thanks, was that ok to drop pidge armour" Lance replied with slight worry he might have broken it. 

"Are you the moon? Because even when it's dark you still seem to shine" Hunk shyly smiled. 

"aww thanks buddy, I'm glad my smiles can brighten up your day" Lance smiled towards his shy friend. 

"Is that a telescope in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" allura smirked as she walked towards lance.

"ok i get it, my flirt lines suck and i'll try my best to stop" Lance sighed. 

"Hey baby, mind if i send my probe into your wormhole?" Keith smirked as he placed a hand on his hip.

"ok, why are you all suddenly flirting" Lance asked with worry.

"I'm an astronaut and my next mission is to explore Uranus" Shiro grinned and wink towards lance.

"Shiro" Lance yelp in shock.

"I think you might be a star, because I can't stop orbiting around you" Coran smiled as he started walking towards lance.

"CORAN .. ILL" lance yelled grossed out. 

"Hey, how'd you like to recreate the Big Bang?"  Hunk shyly spoke.

"ok, goes joke over this is just creepy now" Lance frowned. 

"Ever wonder what's happening under Orion's belt?" Allura smiled as she moved closer towards Lance.

"ok, this is not how i dream this would go" Lance sighed and crossed his arms.

"There will only be 7 planets left after I destroy Uranus" Keith smirked and stepped even closer to Lance.

"why aren't you yelling at me or trying to kill me" Lance yelled slightly scared.

"My space ship is ready. Wanna ride?" Shiro spoke next and Lance notice everyone way too close for his liking. 

"your married" Lance mutter back taking a step back and lifting his hands up feeling slightly awkward.

"oh lance, why dont we just go to my room and play" Allura smiled as she reached out towards lance only to have Hunk slap her arm down.

"who says you get to have him first" Hunk huffed. 

"yeah if anyone getting Lance it should be me" Coran mumbled back. 

"no it should be me" Keith frowned. 

"I'm the leader so i should get him" Shiro grumbled back and Lance took this opportunity to sneak out of the room while the others were fighting. 

"pidgin" Lance yelp as he ran towards the green hanger hoping she would be at least normal. 


I shall do a part 2

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