Last Chapter - Kuro x Pidge.

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"hey pidge" Kuro smiled as he tried to act like shiro and notice the black lion hanger still on after he finished training.

"hey, sorry did i wake you" Pidge smiled slightly as she turned to him.

"oh no, i just finished training" Kuro mumbled as he walked over to where she sat on the black lion paw. The black lion lets her sit on his paw since she upgrades and cleans him. 

"had fun" Pidge grinned as kuro stood not far away from her.

"i guess as much fun as you can when training alone. What are you doing up so late" Kuro asked with a small smile and knee down.

"oh i found this altean book, its a love story and well it caught my eye but its taking me some time to read it since i dont know every altean word yet" Pidge sighed and passed her book to kuro who she thought was shiro. 

"a love story, you dont seem like the love story type" Kuro questioned.

"yeah i was surprised myself but i think this one has a sad ending. Its interesting so far and well i cant help but read it in my spare time and the boys aren't around" Pidge smirked since she knew the others would tease her. 

"yeah i can understand why you read this alone, mind if you read me some or tell me about it" Kuro asked as he passed the book back.

"sure and you can come closer, i wont hit you" Pidge grinned and kuro chuckled before moving over and sat leaning on the black paw with his head on Pidge shoulder. 

"so what the story about" Kuro asked with a gentle smile and glanced to Pidge.

"about a cursed princess who was known to bring death to those who came near her. She was locked up in a tower without a door and only a window with a rope hanging from the tower. She spent most her life in the tower never once trying to escape" pidge started to say with a soft smile.

"why didnt she escape" Kuro asked confused.

"becuase everyone she got close to would die not long after, her own parents died and their last wish was to keep her brother away so he would live and to lock her up to protect the kingdom from her curse" Pidge explained with a small smile and kuro nodded in understanding.

"then how is it a love story" Kuro asked with a slight smile, enjoying listening to pidge.

"well a knight that was sent out to protect a prince got lost when he was protecting the prince from thugs. He walked through the night ignoring his injures and then he found the tower by mistake. He thought it was the thugs hide out and with his last strength he climbed the rope before passing out once he reached the window. The princess looked to him and knew to stay away but she couldn't leave him to die. She ripped an old dress that haven't fit her in years and patched him up. She gave him her bed and stayed in the corner opposite to him. He woke up the next morning and notice the princess. He knew he should be worried over the prince but it was like fate was pulling him to her. He couldn't leave her and as he stayed he learned more about her. Both slowly falling in love as their bond grew making them forget about her being a cursed princess" Pidge smiled sweetly and glanced to Kuro who had a content smile on his face.

"and" Kuro asked wanting to hear more and was enjoying the calming time beside pidge.

"and i dont know, i had one more chapter to read. The last chapter with the ending but i was struggling slightly" Pidge smiled slightly and looked to Kuro blushing slightly as he glanced to her making their eyes contract. 

"i think i have a translator with my galra arm, we could try it to read the last chapter together" Kuro replied with a small smile and a slight blush himself. 

"your willing to read the last chapter with me" Pidge asked surprised.

"well the story sounds good and well i want to know if they get a happy ending or not" Kuro replied with a slight grin. 

"then lets translate, I'm sure we can read the last chapter tonight without the others knowing" Pidge smiled brightly and kuro scanned the book with his arm before a screen pop up with English translate.  Kuro wiggle on the black paw and let Pidge sat between his legs while he wrapped his arms around her so she could still see the screen while they snuggle up together. 

Pidge read the last chapter in a soft small voice as Kuro help her close and listened with a soft smile. He felt peace and for once didnt feel like killing the paladins or fighting. He just wanted time to stop in this moment as Pidge read the rest of the love story in his arms. 

He didnt notice pidge stopped reading until he heard her soft snores making him look down and find her fast asleep on his chest. Her small hand gripping his top and her other hand wrapped around him hugging him back. 

"pidge" Kuro whispered with a warm smile as he pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"hmm" Pidge sleepily hummed and snuggle into him more.

"I'm scared to know the ending of their love story. Will he be able to live and stay with the women he loved or will one of them die leaving the other in pain and alone. I wish i could change fate and make sure she never cries over him" Kuro whispered with a sadden smile as he kissed her forehead before gently picking her up.

"i promise pidge, i will never harm you not even if you begged me to be the one to live. I think i love you too much to kill you" Kuro whispered as he felt his own tears fall while he walked towards the hanger door. 

Months Later....

(This is where they find shiro to be kuro and stop him. Shiro alive in his clone body and the paladins are all flying towards earth in the lions.).

"pidge" Shiro muttered as he sat up in his make shift bed in the green lion seeing her sitting while looking at a book.

"sorry, did i wake you" Pidge asked with worry. 

"nah i just woke up randomly like someone forced me awake. What are you looking at" Shiro asked as he stood up and walked over.

"oh Cosmo sniffed this out from under my control seat in the lion. I was just wondering how it ended" Pidge smiled gently as she lifted up the book and shiro thought he saw it before.

"well why dont you finish reading it, we have time before the others wake" Shiro replied with a kind smile.

"i think its going to have a sad ending and i dont think I'm going to like their love story ending" Pidge replied with a sadden smile and placed the book down. 

"i didnt think you would get emotional over a love book" Shiro chuckled and Pidge smiled.

"me neither but this one is special" Pidge smiled warmly.

"special" Shiro asked.

"i just wished we could have finished the chapter like we hoped" Pidge whispered and Shiro robotic shoulder shot out a screen full of the translated words of the last chapter making Pidge look surprise before a warm filled her lips and tears left her eyes. 

"pidge" Shiro called in a panic as he notice her start to cry.

"together i said" Pidge giggled as tears fell. 

"pidge" Shiro asked with worry and placed his arm on her shoulder. 

"w-why couldn't we get our happy ending shiro, we didnt read all of the last chapter so why couldn't we have been happy" Pidge cried and hugged the older friend who wasn't sure what to say and just hugged her letting her cry. 

"I'm sorry pidge" Shiro whispered in a soft gently voice shocking him since he didnt know where it came from but it just escape his lips. 

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