Not A Clone - LotorxPidge.

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Pidge was captured by the galra a year ago and she took on haggar torture becuase no matter what she wouldn't betray her friends. 


When she finally return to the castle of lions after escaping she found her team and everyone like she remembered it but she saw someone in the green amour. 


But how, she was standing right there and been in a galra cell for a year so how could she be laughing with her fellow paladins friends.

She walked towards the paladins, noticing their eyes widen as they spotted her in a galra prison uniform. 

She stood stunned just looking at herself, her brain was a mess. She s-shakily pushed her slightly broken glasses up her face and wondered if this was a dream. She watched as the other paladins looked to the two trying to work out what was happening. 

But then the other her spoke, calling her a fake that was trying to trick them. She stood in horror as each of her friends turned on her like wild animals. 

She ran as their activated their Bayard's towards her.  

She ran not looking back and not wanting to go back and that when she bumped into him. 

Prince Lotor, who had a sadden look in his eyes like he already knew her story. 

He offered his hand she took it. 

Its been two months since she took his hand. 

He didnt ask her for anything and didnt even ask her to join him.

He gave her free range to do whatever she wanted on his ship.

She could hack his ship and reprogram a guard, what she may have done many times. 

But her favourite part of the day is bugging lotor to eat, she thought she was bad but he hardly stops working or doing his prince duties. 

She even sat on his shoulders just to distract him from reading reports, it was slightly embarrassing as he turned his head to see what she was doing only to meet with her thighs. 

They ate in silence that day but every other day they talk, joke, laugh and even tease each other. 

She started enjoying life once more and she forgot about her friends betraying her. 

Lotor seemed to make her laugh more and even helped her with projects that she thought up or just made out of boardness. She would help with the system checks up and upgrades as long as it didnt go towards harming others. 

They even had days where they just messed around and prank fellow soldiers. 

She felt at peace and felt like she had somewhere belong. 

But she also learned that a clone was made of her while she was in the galra prison. She thought maybe she was the clone, born to be in a galra cell making it seem like the real her was a fake. But she knew she wasn't a clone, she knew she was the real Katie Holt. 

But it only made the pain worse knowing her friends believed a clone then the real her. 

"hey, you just missed the best prank ever on the soldier guarding the empty prison cells. He thinks we have a ghost after i set up speakers in the cells and" Pidge started to say with a huge grin but frowned as she notice Lotor frown. 

"Katie, it seems we might be working with voltron" Lotor spoke and turned to the group of paladins before the prince. 

"oh, right well i just go back and fiddle with the broken fighter ship" Pidge mutter back and turned round to leave again.

"Katie wait, look I am willing to work with voltron but only becuase i trust her. You will have to trust her once more otherwise i will end this war without voltron help" Lotor spoke with pride and glanced to Pidge giving her a small nod. 


"I'm not a clone" Pidge spoke with determination and looked to her old teammates. 

"we shall wait a day and then you can give your decision" Lotor sighed and walked towards Katie.

"wanna watch the footage of the guard freaking out" Pidge asked with a slight smirk.

"of course" Lotor grinned.

"your gonna love his scream" Pidge laughed and Lotor chuckled.

"well your pranks always do bring a smile to my face" Lotor smiled and held her hand as they walked the long halls. 

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