Cheeky Love - Part 3 - Plance.

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"are you sure" Pidge asked with worry.

"well i am the doctor out of us" Hunk smiled kindly.

"i know but wow" Pidge mumbled and looked at the notes in her folder that Hunk just added.

"are you going to tell the others" Hunk asked with a friendly smile.

"nope" Pidge frowned.

"will you tell lance" Hunk asked with worry.

"hell no" Pidge mutter back.

"you should" Hunk frowned.

"i know but this is big" She mumbled and Hunk ruffle her short hair before she jumped of the medical bed.

"well, i think you should go see him and just think this over before you decided anything" Hunk smiled and she nodded before walking to the bed.

"Hey hunk, dont tell anyone else about this" Pidge asked with pleading eyes.

"i wont, not until you are sure on an answer" Hunk smiled and Pidge nodded before walking out. 

She walked the halls, feeling slight alone. It felt worse then it did when she was alone at the start of the end of the world. But she knew why it felt worse, she met lance and then the rest who became a family to her. She became pidge and started a happier life then Katie holt. But now she had news that would mean a big change, a happy ending or a sad ending. 

She kept walking until she reached her shared room with lance. They were dating now and was given a shared room together. She saw him laying on their double bed just looking at the ceiling. She wonder if he was still thinking over the last mission, a mission where they saved a group of humans but they couldn't save them all. Four died while Ten lived, among the four that died was a little girl that lance got close to as they walked them back towards the base. He was still hurting over watching the little girl die but pidge made it clear to not to blame himself since he did all he could. He glanced to her as she crawled onto the bed laying her head on his chest while throwing her arm over his hips. He wrapped his arm around her enjoying their small cuddle. 

They might share a room and be dating but they dont get much solo time. Not while being sent on team missions to save other survivors or to kill the beasts spotted. They hardly got time alone between all of that and then they had team training and other tasks needing done in the base. Neither fell asleep at the same time often, so cuddling was nice when they could.

He kissed her temple before just looking at her with a gentle smile. He knew her secret pass but he still loved her more then anything else in his life. He wonder how he was so lucky to have her save him all those years again and have her love him back. He was always worrying about the day where she would be killed or would leave him for another. But then she would smile at him, tell him her love for him and he knew, she was his and his alone. 

"Lance" She whispered and he notice something was wrong by her voice.

"what wrong" He asked with worry and she glanced to him.

"before the end of the world, did you ever think about having a family" Pidge asked with a weak smile.

"sure i did, i had a huge family that i loved and i wanted my own loving family one day. My wonderful wife by my side and our children adoring us more then anything" Lance grinned and Pidge smiled.

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