Coming Home - LotorxPidge.

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"i love you" She whispered with a warm smile as she placed a hand on his cheek, warm tears falling from her eyes.

"i love you, i promise to return" He smiled warmly before placing a loving soft kiss on her lips and walking out the door. 

He might have seem like a cold man who tricked others but she knew the real him. 

She knew he cared and how truly kind he was. 

He protect the ones he loved and acted like a bad guy to help others face the truth. 

He was in love with her and she was in love with him.

Both married as soon as they turned eighteen and soon had a daughter. 

She had long white hair like her father, She had bright Hazel eyes like her mother, Cute freckles over her cheeks and light purple skin. 

They named their daughter Star since she shined in their eyes. 

He was sent to fight a war

A war neither he or his wife agreed with

A war he wished he never stepped in

But the war was won and he was returning to her like promised. 

He was Coming Home. 

He saw the small little house on the corner of the street, a home they picked together. 

He saw the purple and Green flowers growing in the front garden just like how he left it. 

He never thought a galra or human could love so strongly but they proved him wrong. 

He walked to the green door and knocked with a sweet smile on hips lips. 

He heard his daughter yelling that someone was knocking at the door.

His smile grew as steps came towards the door


A frown took his lips as Lance McClain, her best friend opened the door.

Worry filled his eyes as he notice the human face turn sour once he notice Lotor. 

"where is my wife" Lotor asked with fear as he stepped inside, looking around the small house not seeing any signs of his wife apart from photos. 

"she gone" Lance weakly mumbled making Lotor freeze. 

"no, she promised to stay out of this war. I promised to return to her and Star" Lotor hissed back and Star came running over to her father hugging his left.

"Mummy got very sickly and they took her away one day" Star cried as Lotor picked her up.

"what happened" Lotor asked as he turned to Lance.

"She had a sickness, she knew of it before you left for the war. She lied to you so you would fight in the war like you wanted. She died not long after and well we all been taking turns in looking after Star until the war ends" Lance frowned and looked to the ground.

"she was sick but she smiled so warmly" Lotor mutter in shock and tears filled his eyes.

"mummy said she loves us very much and will be waiting for us in another life" Star smiled softly as she remember her mother words.

"Katie" Lotor choked the name out as his tears fell from his eyes. He held his daughter in close while he cried. 

Lance looked away to give him time and space over finding out such news. 

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