Way Out - Kidge.

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"I will you always love you even after Death, your the only one i belong to you" He smiled warmly as he placed his blood hand on her cheek, letting her tears.

"I will always love you forever so please dont leave" She cried as she held him close.

"i never leave you" He smiled slightly, his own tears slowly falling.

"stay" She sobbed as she couldn't lose him not yet.

"Katie, promise me to live" He whispered with a gentle smile.

"please" She cried as she watched his beautiful purple eyes turn dull and felt his hand fall limp from her cheek before he laid cold in her arms. 

"a life without you is a life not worth living" She cried as he kissed his cold lips, letting her tears fall without mercy while closing his eyes. 

She stood up letting him lay in peace before looking around. 

The yellow paladin laid dead not far away with the princess barley clinging onto her own life. Coran was blown up along with the castle of lions. Shiro and Lance both bloody and barley laying alive nearby. No help was coming for them and the lions all laid from being beaten to harshly in the last battle. 

Haggar was dead

Lotor was bleeding out.

Zarkon was dead, her own green Bayard that turned into a sword like her lover was standing where his heart should be. 

She looked to the purple fire, the fire they had to stop their enemies from reaching.

The fire that would kill whoever enters but give them a chance to go back in pass for a couple days before becoming ash. 

"sorry" She whispered as she looked to her lover one last time before limping ahead.

She couldn't deal with a future without him, she needed him more then she ever told him. She had to find a way out in their fate.

"p-pidge" Lance weakly yelled as she passed him, her eyes showed the pain she felt and the risk she was willing to take. 

"d-dont" Shiro begged as he tried to stand but too weak too. 

"I promise, I'll save you all just please look after him" She cried before walking into the purple flames, she held back her pained screams as the flames took over.

Her tears fell even with such hot flames consuming her body and she closed her eyes one last time, letting her memories take over before giving the flames a time and place for her to go back too. 

She opened her eyes to find herself back in the garrison base, years before she left for voltron. She looked around, a soft smile on her lips as she knew no harm and no pain came to anyone .. yet. She ran around, stopping and hiding during certain points when seeing the people impotent to her. A soft smile on her lips as she watched Shiro, Adam, Matt and her father all laugh in the halls after coming out of a meeting. 

She knew what she needed to do while she could and once Adam walked away alone she grabbed him. 

He looked at her horror as she stood wearing bloody and broken green paladin armour. Her short but slightly longer hair filled with dirt and blood while being a huge mess from battle. Her glasses broken but stayed on her filthy face that held a couple bruises and cuts. She held one of Adam hands begged him to now ask questions but to trust her. She knew adam was smart and knew he knew she wasn't from this time or maybe universe. He listened to her warning words slightly confused as she didnt give reason and left before he could ask anything. 

She knew she couldn't mess with Adam, Matt or her father since they were a important event in her future and she needed them to go missing. But she might have left their favourite cakes in the break room for them to enjoy without knowing who bought them. She notice a young Lance and Hunk making her grin at how strange they seemed before she joined them. She walked over to Lance kissing his cheek and telling him he gonna change the world one day while giving Hunk a left over cake from the box she got the older males and telling him he be just fine before walking off. 

But as she reached outside time seemed to freeze. She saw him, the man she loved but younger. A warm smile on her lips as tears fell from her eyes while watching him climb onto his bike ready to ride off somewhere. Her legs moved without her knowing and he seemed to be getting closer with every second before she stood before him making him turn to her. 

His eyes widen as he notice the state she was in and looked her over. He seemed unsure and yet he seemed content with her. He reached his younger hand out wiping her tears away before tensing and pulling his hand out, unknown why he wipe her tears. 

"sorry but you think i go for a ride, i really need to escape from this place" She smiled sweetly at him, holding back her tears while she got to see him once more. 

"jump on" He mutter looking away and she jumped on behind him. 

"thanks" She whispered and he just glanced before riding off.

She knew where he was taking her, it was the same route from all those years ago. The night she first truly met him when helping to save shiro. She closed her eyes just enjoying be close to the one she loved, yes she knew he was younger but she knew the man he would one day be. 

She opened her eyes when he came to a stop and she smiled peacefully when she notice it was his shack, the place it all started for a certain group she learned to be her new family.

"your not going to kill me, right" He asked as he turned to her making her giggle.

"i couldn't even if i wanted too" She replied and he nodded before jumping down, holding his hand out for her.

"who are you" He asked as she took his hand and jumped off. 

"just someone you would leave the maths too" She teased while he stood confused. 

"are you on the run" He asked as they walked to his shack. 

"just trying to find a way out" She smiled and he let her inside.

"well you should change, you stand out like a sore thumb" He mumbled and pointed to his room. 

"thanks Keith" She smiled softly before entering his room leaving him surprise after all, he never told her name. 

After a couple minutes she walked out in an old shirt and joggers she guessed was his dads or shiro since they wouldn't be Keith, not the size he is right now. 

"who are you" he asked once more as she sat on the sofa.

"someone who trying to find a way out" She weakly smiled.

"way out" he asked. 

"do you think you could do me a favour, my last favour we can call it" She smiled sweetly but he saw the sadness in her eyes. 

"go ahead but why trust me" he asked looking at her from the other side of the room where he was leaning on the wall.

"i trust you with my life and my heart" She replied with a warm smile shocking him. 

"do i" He started to ask but shook such thoughts away, he knew he didnt know her and yet he felt something strange from her. 

"in the future, a day will come that will change your whole life for the better. Please pass this letter on, dont worry I'm sure you will know who to pass this too when the time comes" She smiled sweetly and stood up placing the sealed letter on the table. 

"just pass on a letter" He asked since it was so simple.

"and Keith, please forgive me " She smiled softly before walking out the shack door. 

"wait" He yelled as he ran towards the door opening it only to find ash flying into the wind. 

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