Test Subjects - Kuro x Pidge.

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Haggar made Kuro a clone of shiro but that wasn't the only she made.

She made a new weapon that held part of voltron lions power within her. 

She was called Katie, a human prisoner gave her the name after he was forced to help Haggar make her. 

She was short with short soft hazel hair and bright pretty hazel eyes. She had pale skin and cute freckles over her cheeks and nose. She was smarter then anyone else on the ship, shocking Haggar and zarkon.

The only problem was her sass and her brain.

Yes she was smart but she knew how to use her brain to help her and she knew what was really happening. She knew she was made to control the lions but she didnt want to kill. That was her default but she was to valuable to the galra for them to kill meaning she was trapped on the ship. 

She had no friends becuase others only saw her as a weapon. Haggar only snapped and yelled at her for having heart or to focus on destroying voltron. 

But then kuro came strolling past where she normally hides up and decided to tease her. He heard what she was and just planned to mess with her but then it became a daily thing. Then it wasn't teasing anymore, they would just chat away and laugh together. He started enjoying sitting with the shorter girl and was always with her. 

That why when haggar came to him telling him to get ready to replace shiro and take his place. He was created with anger and hate making him want to destroy anything in his way. But then he met Katie and he felt at peace around her. He didnt want to just leave Katie but he knew he had to follow orders so he left without a word. 

He met Keith the red paladin, Lance the blue paladin, Hunk the yellow paladin and matt the green paladin. He met princess allura and coran. But he had no Katie making his feel empty. He did his duty and acted as shiro when he needed to but when they had free time he would just chill alone wondering what Katie was doing.

"shiro" Keith muttered as he knocked on the main borrowed room. 

"oh hey Keith, is everything ok" Kuro asked with a fake smile and walked over to the door opening it to meet with Keith.

"yeah but how are you, i dont know why but you seem down even when your smiling" Keith mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck. 

"oh i guess I'm just a little homesick" Kuro lied and gave a small chuckle. 

"well if you need to talk man just find me" Keith smiled slightly before walking away.

Kuro looked to the ground and then to his robotic arm. A soft smile laid on his face as he remember how excited Katie was over seeing it and how she would hang on his arm while he lifted her up. He let a small chuckle escape his lips as he remember the pranks they did together. 

He was about to close the door when he heard the castle alarm go off and ran towards the control room with the other paladins close behind.

"what is it" kuro asked as they all stood in the middle of the control room while Allura opened up the screens. 

"an intruder, she walking straight towards us" Allura replied as she showed the intruder on a screen making kuro freeze.

"Katie" He whispered while the others talked about a game plan but it was too late she already reached the doors making them all turn to her. 

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