Shidge - Mates

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"what is that" Hunk asked in fear as he pointed to the tall strong looking galra carrying the Human Green Paladin.

"she is your smartass badass beautiful friend, dont be so rude" the galra replied with a pout and pulled Pidge closer to him while she giggled.

"oh Allura is not gonna like this" Lance grinned as he leaned forward looking at the galra. He was taller them and way stronger it seemed. But he seemed strange since he had black hair with a white tuff. He still had purple skin, cat galra ears and yellow eyes but his hair colour wasn't like galra.

"well i wasn't planning on bringing home but it seemed i found a mate, everyone meet shiro" Pidge smiled softly and watched as her three teammates mouths dropped.

"m-mate" Keith asked with worry.

"yes, Katie is my mate. I shall love and protect her until my last breath" Shiro replied with a gentle smile and the three male humans all nervously smiled.

"matt wont like this" Hunk mumbled in fear.

"how did becoming mates even happen, you were on a mission to check out a moon. Your only been gone a day" Keith whispered yelled and Shiro placed Pidge down after she tapped his arm. 

"Well shiro was crashed on the moon and well he tried to kill me until he called me 'cute' after that i helped patch up his injuries and well once i knew he wasn't going to kill me i let him in the green lion. We got talking and laughing and now we mates" Pidge replied and Keith just looked at her with worry over how easy they became mates.

"yeah but shouldn't you love each other and know each other longer then a day before becoming mates for life" Lance replied in horror. 

"i knew Katie was my fated mate. She stole my heart and even after only knowing her for a date, i wouldn't want anyone else by my side. I will stand by her side until my last breath and never love another" Shiro replied with a sweet smile and held pidge hand. 

"plus shiro seemed special, its hard to explain but i really like him" Pidge mutter with a blush shocking the other humans. 

"why are you four not in training yet, Allura is getting mad" Coran sighed as he came walked towards them but stopping as he notice a huge galra holding the green paladin hand. 

"hey Coran, i have a mate" Pidge smirked and Shiro gave a small wave.

"oh right, ok um good for you but i might just need to pass out for a second" Coran replied in a panic before passing out on the floor. 

"is he gonna be ok" Shiro asked with slight worried.

"he be fine, he just needs to rest" Hunk smiled kindly.

"well I'm Lance, this dude is Hunk and this one is Keith, its nice to meet you shiro" Lance grinned and held his hand out to Shiro.

"its a pleasure to meet Pidge second family, i do wish we can all get along" Shiro smiled kindly as Shiro shook Lance hand.

"well you dont seem so back and if you won Pidge over then we dont need to worry over you being an enemy. Lets work well together in the war" Keith smiled slightly and patted Shiro arm. 

"PALADINS" allura voice was heard making all four humans freeze up.

"now would be a good time for me to show you my room and for us to hide until Coran tells Allura the news" Pidge smiled with worry and Pulled Shiro along as the other three humans ran for it while Coran was slowly waking up. 

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