Toddler Keith - Kidge.

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Keith was turned into a four year old.

Now how did voltron best fighter get turned into a four year old

Just one word was needed to explain it all


Lance was messing around in the castle

Lance knocked something over 

Lance didnt tell anyone and just walked away

Lance didnt notice the liquid turn into gas and enter the air vent into the next room

Lance forgot Keith was training in the training room next door

Lance didnt notice Keith was turned into a four year old

Pidge screamed filled the castle as she went to steal Keith jacket while he was busy training only to find a four year old Keith playing with his blade. 

Everyone came running and froze as they saw the four year old Keith playing with a knife. 

"shiro, I'm sorry i should have listened to you about the sleeping thing becuase I'm seeing Keith as a child" Pidge mutter in horror as she looked straight at the four year old Keith.

"nope, sleeping wouldn't have help becuase i see him too" Shiro mumbled back and Pidge glanced to shiro before knee before Keith.

"dont poke him" Lance yelled as Pidge weakly smiled as she poked the four year old Keith arm. 

"its real" Pidge replied in surprise and the little Keith turned to her unsure once she poked him.

"what happened to Keith, like we all wish to go back to being a child since it was easier .. wait does this castle make wishes come true" Hunk replied before holding his hands together and muttering food wishes.

"the castle doesn't count wishes, Keith must have been affected by something" Allura frowned as she went to walked towards the child Keith who tensed. 

"we should get him to a pod, maybe that can change him back or at least scan him to see why he like this" Coran explained and Allura kept walking towards Keith who stood up and hid behind pidge who was still kneeing.

"ha, even Keith scare of allura" Hunk grinned and everyone turned to the pure paladin who mumbled 'sorry' before they turned to Keith. 

"Keith, its ok I'm not going to harm you. We just wish to help you" Allura spoke with a sweet smile and in a baby voice making pidge cringe a little.

"allura just stop, please" Lance begged a little freaked out by her baby voice.

"yeah just no" Shiro replied shaking his head. 

"I'll go get the pod ready, you lot try and get Keith" Coran sighed and walked away. 

"Keith, do you know who we are" Hunk asked with a friendly smile and Keith pop his head out shaking for no.

"well we your friends and teammates. I'm lover-boy lance and this guy here is pukey hunk, oh and this lovely lady is princess Allura my future wife" Lance grinned as he pulled on his jacket trying to be cool. 

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