WWIIIIII - Shidge.

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It was sudden, one moment everyone was living a normal life then a war broke out.

Families were destroyed in weeks as parents buried their children instead of their children burying them. 

Children no longer had a family or a home and was forced into randomly places the government thought would be safe.

No one was the good side just like no one was on the bad side. 

Everyone was stuck killing each other until one side leader decided to give in to the others commands. 

Many of the young joined up in hopes their younger siblings and parents would have to face the truth of war but the world was cruel. 

Friends looked after each other until only one would return carrying their friends dreams and hopes. 

Brothers, Sisters and parents looked out for their family and took bullets for them. Only for them all to die anyway. 

War was cruel .. No Peace or Freedom would ever be worth the price of such death. 

"get down" Keith hissed as a grenade was thrown towards their direction. 

"hey, that nearly killed us" Hunk cried back before ducking in the ditch when bullets were shot towards them.

"maybe that's becuase they trying to kill us" Lance growled back, as he placed his helmet back on. 

"everyone calm down, we need to take over their bunker and then we can go home" Shiro frowned as he glanced to the three soldiers to his right before glancing to his empty left. 

"Pidge, where the hell is pidge" Shiro panicked as he looked for the shorter soldier who was sitting beside him not long ago. 

"ur guys, i think pidge finally lost it" Hunk mumbled as he pointed to the shorter soldier who was walking straight towards the bunker, not even trying to take cover.

"PIDGE" lance yelled as he went to stand up before Keith pulled him out as shots were sent there way.

"crap, we fuck" Keith grumbled as the guns was set in shooting their direction.

"Katie" Shiro screamed making the shorter soldier tense.

"shit" Pidge cursed and threw her belt of grenades she stole from a dead enemy soldier and threw it inside the bunker before running back towards the ditch. Everyone ducked as Pidge jumped into the ditch, shiro shielding her in case as the bunker blew up from the inside. 

"nice work pidgin" Lance grinned as they all sat up again.

"why did you just walk towards the bunker, you could have died" Shiro yelled with worry as he grabbed her arms. 

"Shiro, i know how those guns are made and they all have a blind spot. If i walked in a straight line in their blind spot then i could sneak up without being shot" Pidge sighed as she looked him dead in the eye.

"what if you were wrong about that being the weak spot" Hunk asked with fear.

"oh, i would be dead in the most horrible way" Pidge replied with a nervous smile and Shiro pulled her into a tight hug.

"dont scare me like that again Katie" Shiro muttered and Pidge hugged him back.

"nice job pidge but we better clear the rest of the bunker and line up the enemy soldiers" Keith slightly smirk and shiro broke the hug before they all stood out of the ditch and walked towards the bunker. Guns in their hands as they stormed in with other soldiers and soon they took over the bunker. Enemy soldiers all surrender and lined up outside. A good Victory for today, the soldiers agree with. 

The soldiers all returned back to their make shift base and eased up as much as they could in a time of war.

"well at least we dont need to run three miles up and three miles down the mountain like we did during our training days. We done all our running today" Lance grinned as he sat down with his metal tin with a spoonful of food inside.

"yeah but at least we didnt have bullets shot at us as we ran everyday but I'm glad we no longer under sergeant Iverson commander anymore and passed our training" Hunk mumbled as he drank some water.

"commander was a dick but he did teach us the skills to live, i hear we one of the groups that still have the most survivors since we joined up three years ago. Most of the men and women who joined up at the start of the war are dead already" Keith frowned before eating his spoonful.

"My dad use to say the difference between war and peace was, during peace children buried their parents but during war then parents buried their children" Pidge mutter before drinking some of her water.

"he not wrong, this war has taken many already and we not even close to ending it yet" Shiro sighed and looked to his luke-warm food. 

"so did you two knew each other before the war becuase pidge signed up as pidge but you know her as Katie" Keith asked with a small smile as they group been together since their first day of training.

"i was Katie older brother childhood friend. I grew up with her before i moved away. At first i thought she was matt but when i got closer i knew who she was. I'm still waiting for an answer why you joined up as soon as the war began" Shiro replied and glanced to pidge.

"yeah, you dont talk much about yourself pidge. We all told our stories but never you" Lance frowned and everyone turned to the girl making her roll her eyes. 

"My parents worked under the government and was killed by enemy soldiers who wanted them to work on weapons for them to help with the war. My brother planned to join up since he wanted to protect the place we call home but then the enemy decided to bomb down the enemy. I told him to leave the photo behind but he wouldn't listen as he was buried under the house. I had nowhere else to go and decided to join up in hopes of ending the war before many more families was killed" Pidge replied with a small frown and her eyes glisten with tears that she wouldn't let fall. 

"sorry" Hunk mumbled as they didnt think pidge lost her family to the war. Everyone lost someone but they didnt think she lost everyone. 

"its fine, it happened years ago and well the war keeps me busy" Pidge weakly smiled and Shiro pulled her into a side hug. 

"your not alone, as horrible as these three might seem they good guys. We your family too" Shiro smiled gently.

"thanks" Pidge smiled sweetly. 

"so if we just her family, what are you to her" Lance asked with a cheeky grin as shiro didnt mention himself in them being family.

"yeah shiro, what is pidge to you" Keith asked with a teasing smirk and all eyes was on shiro, even other soldiers waiting to hear the news.

"well Katie already knows that answer" Shiro smirked proudly and pulled pidge into a deep loving kiss while the others mouths dropped.

"wha" hunk screeched in shock.

"why do you think i share a tent with shiro becuase he a gentlemen who wouldn't peek as i change. Ha, he the biggest perv here" Pidge smirked as shiro arms wrapped around her.

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