Clone - Part 2 - Plance.

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"Matt meet my friend Lance" Pidge sighed as the drunken Lance wobble over sitting in the chair next to her before laying his head on her shoulder.

"s-she c-chose l-lotor" Lance pouted drunkenly and pidge took a small breath.

"then she missing out on such a great guy, dont worry lance I'm sure you'll find someone soon" Pidge smiled softly and patted lance cheek. 

"s-she w-wouldn't c-chose a c-clone i-is how s-she r-rejected me" Lance started to cry and Pidge frowned.

"lets go back to the hotel, I could read one of my old stories if you want" Pidge smiled sweetly and Lance sat up looking at her.

"really" Lance sniffled.

"sure, I'll read to you whenever you want but dont tell the others" Pidge smiled and wink at him making him give a weak smile.

"lets ditch this stupid pub" Lance grinned and stood up before pulling pidge up by her arm.

"mind I walk with you lads" Matt asked with a kind smile.

"wow pidge this guy could be your brother" Lance mumbled stunned and the two laughed.

"yeah, could be" Pidge smirked and helped lance walk as he his arm was round her shoulder while her arm was around his waste. 

"your the best pidgin" Lance cheered and pidge giggled.

"i know" Pidge grinned with pride and Lance chuckled.

"dont worry, we gonna find the best wives one day" Lance spoke proud and pidge just smiled at her drunken friend.

"I'm sure you'll find a lovely lady" Matt smiled as he walked beside his sister.

"Oi, you think your worthy enough to flirt with the girls" Lotor yelled as he stormed out of the pub walking towards them. 

"oh just piss off Lotor, cant you see we going home" Pidge snapped back and Lotor glared at her.

"dont make me teach you a lesson" Lotor warned.

"dont talk to my pidgin like that" Lance growled as he stood up on his own glaring at Lotor. 

"i have a bone to pick with you as well clone, you think you can just flirt with the girls .. dont forget your just a copy of someone and not real ... dont ever try and be like a human again" Lotor smirked and Pidge filled with anger before passing her book to a unsure Lance before punching Lotor straight in the face knocking him down on his bum.

"and stop acting like an ass" Pidge hissed and waved her hand in the cold air slightly while Lance and Matt stood stunned.

"holy shit pidgin, that was so cool" Lance cheered and pulled her back making her blush slightly.

"thanks lance" Pidge smiled brightly, slightly proud of herself.

"nice hit" Matt grinned and pidge giggled. 

"he not my first punch and he wont be my last" Pidge replied and Matt nodded impressed. 

"why you" Lotor yelled going to punishing Pidge to the floor while Lance swang his fist punching lotor. 

"enough Lotor or i will send in a compliment" Matt warned as Lance help pidge stand but froze as he notice her finger bleeding but with red blood not blue. His eyes widen making pidge look down confused before noticing her mistake. 

"this wont be the last of it" Lotor yelled before running back inside the pub.

"Pidge y-your h-human" Lance mutter in shock as he looked to his shorter friend.

"oh no" Matt mutter. 

"sorry Lance but please dont tell anyone" Pidge begged as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"w-why" Lance asked and Pidge looked to the floor.

"why dont we go back to my house and talk" Matt smiled and helped pidge stand before leading the way. 

Pidge sat with lance in the spare room and told him everything. Lance blushed at hearing pidge was a girl and a human. He wonder if he should tell the others since a human wasn't meant to mix into a clone unit unless they were the leader. But after remembering all the times pidge help him and cheered him up he knew he had to help keep her secret. He promised not to tell and she hugged I'm out of joy making him tense slightly. 

"sorry" She whispered and broke the hug.

"no it was nice ... i always feel warm when you touch me now i know its because your got a human temperature" Lance smiled gently noticing pidge was blushing.

"i guess i wont be cool blooded like you clones now" Pidge joked making him laugh.

"nah, your always be cool in my eyes pidgin" Lance grinned and pulled her into a side hug. 

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