Werewolf x Werefox - Shidge.

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"like you and Lance" She asked as she glanced to the werewolf who sat beside her outside of the safe house. They were rebels against the werecat king Zarkon who took over and killed hundreds of werepeople while being in power and still doing evil deeds as king. 

"wha" Keith yelp with a bright red face as his tail swished back and forward while his ears perked up.

"next time, close the fucking door and maybe not every will hear you two at night" She warned and patted his shoulder while his ears fell embarrassed. 

"oh god" Keith groaned and she laughed. 

"urg look its the werefox" Another rebel mutter.

"dont trust her, she just a spy" Another rebel mumbled as they walked past and Pidge fox ears twitched.

"dont listen to them, your a rebel just like the rest of us and are trying to help stop Zarkon. The others just cant see past werekinds" Keith frowned and glanced to her the sadden werefox.

"no they have a right to hate me, it was the werefoxs you fight beside zarkon and help him rule the kingdom. My king are his followers and well i am a spy" She sighed and looked to her feet in shame.

"your a spy because Zarkon has your brother and is threatening to kill him if you dont gain info. You told shiro straight away that you were a spy when you came to join up and you offer to pass on fake information towards the king as long as he doesn't mind playing chicken with zarkon men during certain missions so it looks like all the info i real" Keith hisses back, Pidge was threating her life and her brothers by giving the king fake info and she came clean as she came to join up. She been trying to stop zarkon since he brought a truce with her kind and now she had to be a spy to keep her brother alive. 

"but" She mutter and was stopped as her ears twitched and perk up when the leader of the rebels came walking outside. 

"something wrong" Shiro asked with worry as he spotted the two and notice Keith tail stamping into the wooden steps while Pidge tail was hanging low. 

"nothing" She lied and looked to the sky.

"like hell its nothing, Shiro talk some sense into pidge and tell her she not a bad person" Keith huffed as he stood up staring towards shiro. 

"the other rebels mumbling again" Shiro frowned and Keith nodded. 

"talk to her before i kill her and everyone else in the base" Keith grumbled and stormed off, he hated seeing his friend think of herself like this when he knew she was a good person and didnt serve to be spoke in such an unfair way. 

"want a hug" Shiro asked with a small smile as he sat beside her on the steps. 

"no" She lied, she didnt want to seem week in his eyes.

"well i stabbed my toe and need a hug" Shiro smirked and felt Pidge crawl onto his lap before wrapped her small arms around him and resting her head on his chest before he wrapped his own arms on her. 

"thanks" She sniffled and he smiled sweetly while holding her tighter. 

"Pidge please dont listen to the others. Your a good person with a caring heart and it pains me to see you think worse of yourself. We all have a pass and everyone kind has done something others would hate. But i see you as you and not as your kind, so please have more pride in the person you truly are" Shiro whispered and felt her turn to him.

"Shiro, Zarkon will want me to kill someone soon. I've been a rebel for five years and he no closer to catching you or the guys you are close to you. Its time i quit or for you to end my life making it seem like i was caught being a spy" She mutter and felt him tense up.

"no" was his reply.

"shiro" She frowned.

"i wont lose you, i cant" He whispered desperate. 

"this is war, you couldn't have picture a happy ending" She sighed.

"with you i could" He replied shocking her. 

"I'm sorry" She sweetly smiled as she placed her hands on her cheeks.

"i love you" he spoke with a gentle smile as his eyes filled with love.

"i love you" She smiled warmly, placing a sweet loving kiss on his lips as their tears fell.

"goodbye" She mutter once she pulled away and stood up.

"stay" He pleased and grabbed her arm, in hopes she wouldn't leave.

"Katie" She spoke with a soft smile shocking him.

"a lovely name for the women i love" He smiled gently before she ran off into the woods before the safe house. 

News travelled as the rebel once known as Pidge Gunderson was seen standing before the King bowing. News travelled as she lived in the castle, a smile on her face as she wore the king colours but shiro knew, they all knew it was a fake smile. News travelled as she was locked up in prison expecting death while the King laid between life and death by her hand. She was the only one who knew the cure and she was going to die with it. 

NEWS filled the air as the war was over and the King was dead. 

News travelled as her brother came to the rebels and explained his sister story making most regret their bad tones towards her. 

Shiro stood looking to the sunset, the first sunset filled with peace since the war. 

His hand hang by his side as he waited for the one he loved to and join him. 

He felt a warmth in his hand and smiled warmly.

He knew she returned to him even in death. 

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