45 Joker and Harley Quinn

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“Oh, can I pick?” The little girl asks. Jimin hyung turns to her and instantly flashes a grin, wow, bipolar.

“Yes, sure.”

Later, we all agreed upon watching Suicide Squad that Gracie practically begged for and when Y/n heard the name, she joined her sister too. After having lunch, we all slump on the couch and wait for the movie to start. I rub Y/n shoulder up and down with my hands as she rests her head on my chest and her body pressed against mine. What a couple thing, but it actually feels good to be like this.

“Guys,” Taehyung speaks first breaking the silent atmosphere, “what all characters you all like in this movie?” he asks while drinking his Mojito.

“I like Joker, honestly.” Jin hyung says with a grin. “I like how evil he is.” I snort hearing his answer.

“I like the witch.” Taehyung says in a loud voice. “Cara is so beautiful!”

“You like the character because he is beautiful, not because her actual role in the movie?” Jin hyung asks.

“Nah, I like her character in the movie too, but in reality she is so much more beautiful.” He says and turns to Jimin hyung. “Hyung, who do you like in the movie?”

“Honestly, this is the first time I’m watching this movie, so I have no clue.” He simply shrugs his shoulders.

“How boring.” He turns to me, “Jungkook, you?”

“I like Hitman.” I see Y/n looking up at me and mouthing a ‘why?’ “because, his character is a tough one. He is a Hitman you see, but has his own weakness which is close to his heart and because of his weakness; he surrendered himself to the cops. And not only that, even before accepting the demand of government, he firstly asked them to give a quality life to his daughter. And most of all, he is a great shooter and Will Smith always impress me.”

“Aww, how adorable.” I roll my eyes at his comment and he turns to Gracie, “You Gracie?”

“Joker.” She says with a big grin.


“Because he is hot and powerful.” A typical teenager brain.

“Hey, I like him too.” Jin hyung says and brings his fist for her to sync and she does while giggling. I never though having a kid’s company in between us could be so relaxing and Gracie is actually a fun girl.

“Lastly, Y/n.” Taehyung points out. I look down at her and wait to hear what she thinks. She shifts a bit higher in my embrace making me wrap my hand around her more precisely before she speaks.

“I like Harley Quinn.” And this time, I whisper a ‘why’ to her. Indeed her answer made me curious. “Because her character is based on mad love, she is so in love with the Joker that she is ready to take thousand risks for him. She blindly agrees on doing whatever he wishes for and Joker himself loves her a lot, a lot as in he goes to a greatest extent just to rescue her and get her back. Harley loves Joker despite of what he is what he does. And that’s what love is, love the person despite of what he is or what he does and have a blind faith.”

It felt as if these words are directed to me. Love despite of what he is and what he does and have a blind faith. She loves me and trusts me and wills to do whatever I want to do with her. She loves me despite I am a demon and I do bad shits. She has faith in me and agrees to my needs blindly. And I would be a fool if I won’t love this goddess back and provided I love her like a Mad Max, I am ready to go to any extent just for her. I want to make her happy every second of my existence and I want to lay the whole world at her feet, and the irony is, she deserves all of that.

By the end of the movie four of our babies slept their ass off. Jin hyung on the big couch lying like a homeless tramp, Gracie rests her head on the back of the couch while Taehyung’s head is on her shoulder and Y/n sleeps peacefully on my chest. Jimin hyung and I share a short glance and instantly break down in small sets of laughter.

“You really lover her don’t you?” Jimin hyung asks. I know he can hear my thoughts and there is no doubt if he is aware of it or not. I smile subconsciously and look at my baby sleeping peacefully in my embrace.

“A lot.” I whisper slowly so that neither Y/n nor anyone else could wake up from their dreamland.

“Such a turning point for you, you’re doing something which is impossible and you should know we all appreciate that.” I just hum in response. I know very well what he meant by that; fighting my demon. I remember last night too I was about to lose my control, but somehow I managed to shove that demon down. Hurting Y/n is the last thing I want to do and if it takes my everything to avoid that, I would do it. Y/n is very much precious to me and I want to treasure her like a priceless diamond throughout my existence. Even it hurts my being to control myself, I will do it. After all, I love her unconditionally.

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