Chapter 12

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Lauren's POV

I rested my hand on her face, caressing it while diving on her lips, with my free hand I took her from the waist, forcing her to turn to the front, joining her body to mine, she tangled her fingers in my hair, kneeling on the bed staying a little higher, since I was still sitting. Camila bit my lower lip, I took the moment to close the kiss.

"What do you want to do today?" she asked, pushing her hair away and always keeping her face close to mine.

"Where do you want to take me?" I rubbed her nose in mine, playing.

"I don't know, up to the living room!?" she asked anf closed one of her eyes, looking at me with a malicious smile. I shook my head, laughing, she sat next to me and sighed heavily "If I were a tour guide, I would die of hunger..."

"I've realized that" I said

"You don't facilitate my life either..." she complained, crossing her arms " give me an idea woman" she said and shook my arm.

"How am I supposed to know where to go!? I do not know anything about the city."

"It's fine" she sighed "You're right." -he rested her hands on her lap
"you don't want to go shopping or do you?" I shook my head no "hm, ok, no shopping..."

"Let's do that, after lunch we think of something..." I kissed her forehead, smiling.

"It's fine. Although after that breakfast I think I'll explode if I put something else in my mouth.." she said and dropped back on the bed, still undone.

"When did you get dressed that I didn't realize?"

"Yesterday night, I woke up at dawn with cold..."

We were talking a while longer until lunch was ready, Camila ate very little compared to the other days, which was a surprise, I really exaggerated with the pile of food.

After lunch, around four in the afternoon, I pressed her again to take me somewhere.

Camila's POV

The day dawned hot, finally we would be lying on the couch, with air conditioning, a bottle of ice cream between us. When I suggested exactly that, she laughed and shook her head, showing herself irreducible.

Until I remembered a place I wanted to go, but alone wasn't funny.

"Alright! We will go to the pedal boats that are in the park. We can ride on a swan." I said

"Hm, let me guess..." Lauren said and looked at me "I'll have to pedal?"

"You won't" I answered, by impulse.
"Well, I mean, yes..." I suggested and saw a smile on her lips "but it is in the water, it is easier" Lauren let out a laugh and ruffled my hair

"Come on, although I think you're using me" she said wnd I stuck out my tongue, I took my bag, I told my parents we would go out and dragged Lauren to the park, where the boats were.

"I'm going to fall" I said and saw Lauren's outstretched hand, patiently waiting for me to enter the boat "seriously, I can even see myself in the water..."

"I won't let you fall" she said, almost for the tenth time "trust me"

"I trust you. I just don't trust this thing" she had an evil face "I see when everything will swing as soon as it enters."

"Come on, Camila, we're paying" she said and I closed my hands and took her hand, being carried in, I got hooked by Lauren's neck until the boat stopped moving and I could sit next to her "You okay?" I nodded, she started pedaling, I felt the wind on my face and I let out a smile.

"Look, isn"t it cute?" I asked, touching the water of the lake "STOP!" I shouted, she stopped, scared "a turtle!" I pointed out, Lauren strained her eyes to see her
"I think we scared her."

"We're scared? In plural? I think you scared her with your screams" she said

"You're seeing that lake?" I pointed to her side, she nodded "if you don't want to end up in it better stay calm"

Lauren's POV

I stayed about fifteen minutes pedaling in circles, Camila almost threw herself into the lake every time she saw a fish or the supposed turtle.

"You know, I always wanted a pet..." she sighed, heavily.

"And why did you never have one?" I asked

"My parents won't let me" she shrugged "Not even because when I started talking about it, it was at the same time that I decided to do the exchange. They thought it wasn't worth it."

"And look, in your exchange, you found a seemingly indomitable animal.." I said sarcasticaly and she burst out laughing.

"Exactly. And that gave me a great job."

"At the time of the bath?" I asked and raised an eyebrow, always wanted to rip the stories that passed when I arrived home drugged.

"Hm, more or less" she thought for a moment. "I was throwing a tantrum for coffee" she smiled

I bit my lip and nodded. Camila captured that she was hiding something.

"Come on, tell me whay you're thinking" she said

"Nothing..." I sighed "I mean... what exactly happened on those days?"

"Normally you were a very happy person." she let out a laugh, as if remembering something "I remember that I had to be monitoring myself so I wouldn't be thinking that I preferred you in that way than normal. At that time I would have liked you to always be happy as you were with the drugs, obviously, of course, without using them"

I nodded slowly, waving my hand for her to continue.

"You said a lot of nonsense..." she bit her lips "you were talking about the bear brother and talking with sticks..."

"With sticks? Seriously?" she nodded. "fucking shit" I said and opened my eyes.

"The first night we ate chocolate and you didn't even know what you were talking about. It was hard to follow the flow. And then practically out of nowhere you fell asleep and you only woke up the next day, bad humored and vomiting."

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now