Chapter 96

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Lauren's POV

"What is all that?" Drew asked, approaching to take the paintings that were in the backseat that I bought a few hours ago.

"Ah!" I turned my eyes to the paintings a few seconds, before turning my attention to the road "I bought some works of art" I smiled.

"Since when do you like this?" I frowned. "If Taylor hadn't hung the paintings on the walls they would still be without any decoration."

"Let's say that these designs are special."

"Fuck you! Tell me once why the hell you bought this. You know that sooner or later you're going to end up telling me, why are you so much mystery?" I laughed with his impatience

"One of the patients in Camila's clinic was trying to sell his paintings in front of the place where hee is hospitalized... from a distance I perceived that people could be terribly cruel to addicts" I sighed.

"The boy was there to heal and even so society forgives"I shook my head "I couldn't just pass and ignore it, because one day I also received that kind of looks."

"Hey, Lauren, you're really a true winner" he touched my shoulder, quickly "and what you did was an act of nobility, you know."

"I didn't do anything else" I shrugged.

"Of course you did, don't pretend that it's nothing" I staggered the car in front of Drew's building "you don't want to go up? Taylor will love the visit..."

"Maybe an other day" I smiled "give her a kiss and.." I observed the paintings I bought, choosing one that I found very beautiful "give her this, as a gift."

"She's going to love it" Drew Guaranteed, getting out of the car "thanks for bringing me" he said and closed the door, I nodded.

I bit my lip, seeing the four drawings that remained on the backseat, I took one, putting it on the steering wheel, even with the car parked.

It was only the outline of two eyes.

Chestnuts and intense.

"And.. this is for you, Camila" I whispered and once again that nostalgia squeezed my heart.

I went back to Drew's building, in a sigh, I decided to accept the invitation and go up to visit my sister, married to be alone.

I got out of the car, knocking on the door and heading towards the apartment. Strangely when Taylor opened the door her reaction was the opposite of what I expected.

She opened her eyes completely and started coughing, as if she had choked on the air, arched an eyebrow.

"What reception.." I scoffed, while laughing.

"What a surprise!" she exclaimed, trying to recover.

"Will you invite me to come by or are we going to be chatting here at the door?" I asked and she took a step to the side, letting me in.

"Stay here, I'll be back in two seconds" she left quickly, taking Drew with her, who had just left the kitchen, returning to her.

I missed such an attitude and followed them, however I stopped listening to Taylor whisper "Okay, what is she doing here? It's going to be a catastrophe if the two are here now" she brought her hand to her hair, pulling them back nervously.

"Where is she?"

"Sleeping.." Drew gave her a curious look "Camila came out earlier from work and came here, we talked a little and asked her to wait for the architect to go to the market..."

"What architect?"

"The one who is making our son's room!" she answered exalted, offended by him not to have remembered it "in short, when I returned she had fallen asleep" she sighed "probably when José left she ended up going to bed and fell asleep."

"It's okay, quiet..." he took her by the shoulders "Lauren will leave before Camila wakes up."

I was left without any reaction, my whole body received the shock of knowing that she is here a few steps away.

My body didn't obey me anymore, I was anesthetized.

I didn't bear the desire to see her.
I turned my heels and headed upstairs.

I slowly opened the door, taking care so that her crunch didn't sound too loud, then closed it again. The room was partially lit, leaving a cozy atmosphere.

My heart rate increased when, as I turned towards the bed, I found Camila cowering, asleep. I approached with fear, slowly and silently, I bit my lips and frowned as I moved the mattress more than desired by sitting next to it.

Hell, I felt so much nostalgia.

I saw her for a long time, her breathing calm, the hair scattered on the pillow, the delicate strokes and mainly her lips between open, stirring my stomach.

When I caressed her cheek with the tip of my finger, my eyes were already covered with tears. I had no idea how much I need her, how much I love her... I leaned over her face, brushing my lips lightly to the side of hers, closed my eyes for a moment, before moving away.

I took the cover that was at the foot of the bed, covering her, when I realized that her skin was bristling. She looked so tired, the expressions tense... I felt the need to take care of her, to solve all the problems that are causing that wrinkle between her eyebrows.

"My princess, if at least you would allow me to approach you..." I whispered.

At least that afternoon I promised myself that I wouldn't let her wake up. I was going to watch over her sleep, protect her in the only way I can. It was difficult to resist the desire to touch her, to make her aware that I am by her side, to steal a kiss...
I almost didn't breathe, so I wouldn't wake her up.

Just to stay watching her, so fragile when she isn't carrying the world on her back, makes me completely forget all the wounds she opened in my heart, because there is something I feel when I'm with Camila that is much stronger than that...


I love her like a crazy woman, and I was sure that although the wound is huge, the hope of having her back is infinitely greater.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now