Chapter 66

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Lauren's POV

It's amazing how that possibility of a new life that is to come can make my day even happier. I have always loved children, a nephew at this point is really a gift

"My God, that's so good to hear" she sat on one of her legs, still agitated  "Taylor and Drew are going to be parents!"

"Who would have thought that?" I smiled, it was impossible to contain myself.

"Look at you Lauren, you're radiant..."
I watched for a few seconds "if you're like that because you're going to be aunt imagine when you're mom."

I smiled slightly and dropped back on the bed. A punch of envy squeezed my heart, not only because of the fact that Drew will be dad and yes because it will be with the woman he is in love with.

I saw Camila out of the corner of her eye, realizing that I had never changed the possibility that she was the mother of my son. It has always been her.

"Can I ask you a question?" I sat down again, seeing her and she nodded "have you already thought about having a child..." she opened her lips to answer, but I was faster "...with me?" she was silent, I noticed that she got a little scared.

"Yes, I've already thought about it..." answered finally, without batting an eye "maybe because you are affectionate with the children and I am sure that you would be an excellent mother, or who knows, maybe because I would like my son to have your eyes..." I smiled "or because I think that "Cabello Jauregui" would be an amazing surname for someone..."

"If you know there's no other way for someone to carry that name, right?"

Her heeks colored slightly. I smiled I decided not to force the situation, giving up on the matter. My cell phone rang again,

I took it seeing the name of Drew on the screen, however, the voice that sounded, practically out of breath, was my sister's.

"LAUREN, I'M GONNA BE MOM!" she cried, hwr happiness was so great that even I could feel it.

"Seriously!?" I got as euphoric as her
"Congratulations, then!!" I  said cheerfully "and Drew?was he nervous? the poor one"

"He's in shock, seriously, whiter than paper. I think he's afraid of being born with my genius, having to put up with two of me won't be easy... oh my God, Laur, I'm so happy" her voice came out unsuccessful, she would certainly start crying.

"Tell me Taylor, Camila and I are here too."

"It's good that you are there, since both will be the godmothers, that logic is screwed, that was in common agreement between Drew and me. Listen to one thing; I want a cousin for my son and I want it now" she said laughing. "Let this family grow a little more, Lauren. Adoption and insemination are for that" she cackled.

"It will grow" I observed Camila. I wasn't thinking about pregnancy, nor about adoption, but about becoming part of the family.

I left the phone with a silly smile on my face, Camila practically jumped with excitement in front of me and that increased when I told her we would be the godmothers.

"Are going to be for real? Two godmothers?" I nodded "It's okay, that matters! You won't get rid of me anymore, Jauregui."

"I don't want to get rid of you.." I said

To my surprise she pressed both of her hands against my chest, laying me down again and rested her arms on my body, while she looke at me with those eyes. Her hair was tickling my face as her lips, slowly, approached, rubbing.

"You drive me fucking crazy..." she whispered, biting my lower lip.

Hell, a moan of satisfaction was held in my throat as I felt her tongue wet and warm around my mouth. I placed my hand on her back, raising and lowering my fingers for her, while Camila continued to provoke me.

Her delicate hand caressed my face, scratching my skin lightly, while her lips moved in synchronization, our heads followed a light rhythm.

I submerged myself in her mouth, exploring every recognized place, delighting in its sweet taste.

"Lauren..." she murmured, keeping her lips next to mine.

"Yes?" I said

"I'm a sucker for your kisses..." she said lowoy, I caught her lip once again with my teeth, savoring it torturingly

"Oh, God" she moaned, letting her head fall a bit back giving me a free access to her neck.

"My Angel..." I whispered

"My love" she whispered back

I closed my eyes, listening to the words be spoken with such immense affection.

"Find you was the best thing that could have happened to me" I affirmed, while I delighted in the effect of the words that came out of her mouth.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now