Chapter 43

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Camila's POV

The weather remained bad, however the rain began to fall after lunch. I took a cup of hot coffee in my hands and leaned against the window frame to watch the rain.

"It's beautiful, do not you think?" Lauren's hoarse voice made me straighten my body "the way water falls, watering flowers, shows us how small we are on a par with the world" I nodded, drinking a bit of my drink.

A lightning bolt cut through the sky,
I automatically moved away from the window, snuggling into Lauren, while I waited for the high sound to invade my ears.

I felt her hand on my waist,she held me, interlacing his fingers to mine and leaning more to her body.

"Are you afraid of loud sounds?" she asked

I nodded "normally when I'm alone, I cover myself under the blankets"

"When are you alone?" she asked

"I've been for many long... and still" I said

"Any boyfriends?" she asked and I turned to see her.

"Nthing serious" I shrugged, leaving the matter over.

"And your family? How many times do you see them a year?"

"Almost none, I miss all that joy, the cozy atmosphere" I said and sighed

"How about Marielle, Sandra and Robert?" she crossed het arms.

"They call me sometimes, but we are adults now, each one is following their life..."

"Camila, are you living alone?" she raised an eyebrow, went through it and left my cup on the center table.


"Before you came, you left some..." sheleaned her throat "I'm telling you there?"


"And it was my sister who called before?" she pointed to my cell phone.

"Hm? No,it was Julian" he gave me a suggestive look "my producer" and nothing that diminished her look "he is homosexual"

I finished because I wasn't able to see those eyes. I wanted to tell her that there was never anyone, that none had the ability to even get as close to my heart. But I couldn't, there was something that stopped me, as if I said more than she wanted to know and that made me look like a desperate one. If it had been in another time, another year, maybe it could have been more sincere.

Lauren' POV

Weak. That's exactly the word that describes me. I can no longer see Camila without touching her, from her perfume to the way she moves her lips leaves me in the clouds.

I stood up and went quietly, went up the stairs two by two to get to the room as quickly as possible, where I sat on the corner of the bed and ran my hands through my hair.

Some time ago I thought that Camila didn't have how to become more beautiful and now that I see her after so many years I know that I cheated. I focused my gaze on the door when I later heard knocks in it...fuck. The straight and voluminous hair filled the small space in which I was.

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked delicately.

"No you didn't" I sighed, standing up. I extended my hand, when I was ready to caress her face, I brought her back to my side "I can't anymore Camila."

For a second I expected her to ask what, but her reaction was effective and the response came quickly and surely.

"Me neither" she murmured

I didn't need anything else to take her from the waist and bring her lips to meet mine.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now