Chapter 90

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Camila's POV

I walked the shelves while my sister faced a large line to get to my ex girlfriend.

Ironic, no?

I looked at the nearby books, flipping through some, not really reading what was in them, in the frustrated attempt to keep my eyes away from the table Lauren was on. Impossible to do it when it was Sofia's turn.

Lauren greeted her with a beaming smile as Sofi stopped in front of her, discussed some things and then autographed the book. I arched an eyebrow when my sister came around and hugged her.

I sighed, seeing her close her eyes and give back with such affection. I needed to be in his arms.

I looked away from the scene, waiting for Sofi to return, but when, unable to resist, I raised my eyes to spy my pulse increased drastically to notice her eyes fixed on my face and a mixture of surprise and a bit of daze.

My head was spinning, I had to put my hands on the shelves to avoid falling into sin. I gasped with only seeing that green looking at me. Then she wrote something and handed it to my sister, before raising her face again.

"Kaki" Sophia's familiar voice alarmed me.

"Yes love.." shit, even my voice trembled.

"I asked for an autograph for you too.
But yours has more things written.." she shook her head, confused. The note reached me. I didn't understand why.

Practically without strength I held the paper, breathing deeply before reading.

How can we fix a heart when it breaks?
Now I'm so broken that I can't get up.

Really, I shouldn't miss you,
but I can't let you go.

Lauren Jauregui.

Oh shit...

"Are you okay?" she took my arm "kaki, don't cry" she asked, I tried to smile at her, but it was useless.

I looked toward the ceiling, trying to contain the likely tears.

I took a deep breath, put the paper inside my bag, hung it on my shoulder and turned around, towards the exit.

My sister followed me in silence and confused, I held her hand, trying to tell her that everything was fine, that it was going to happen.

Meanwhile, when I was almost from the outside, my eyes fell on Lauren's book and I knew I couldn't run away again, I don't want to run away.

"My love, how about you go for an ice cream while I solve some issues around here?.." I caressed Sofi's hair, putting them over her shoulder and arranging them "hm?" I kept my fingers on them, my sister nodded, without asking. I gave her a kiss on the top of the head.
"In a while I will see you there, is it okay?" she agreed.

I ran my hand over my face, pushing away the possible tears and returned to the store, a little embarrassed, I went to the table where Lauren was, when I arrived she opened a bottle of water and put a little in a glass.

As soon as he looked up, her eyes collided with mine and I felt that I could no longer bear the weight of my body, staggering.

The intense green of her iris came out of my field of vision when she looked down the long line that awaited her, frowning.

I sighed and sat down in one of the chairs that were there to read, letting her know that I was going to wait for her.

A smile appeared at the corner of her lips and returned the attention to his readers. And I didn't need a greater attraction than to see her taking such loving care of all those people.

My leg trembled, denouncing my nervousness. From time to time Lauren looked up, to certify that I was still there, when that happened, normally, I ended up responding with a brief smile.

As the movement slowed down my heart increased the pace, my stomach turned and I felt extremely stupid to be this way for a conversation with her, with someone who was part of my day to day and...

Oh God, it's over

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now