Chapter 36

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Camila's POV

I decided to take a bath to relax, the shock of seeing Lauren left my body tense.


I stopped in front of the mirror, analyzing my reflection, for some reason I wanted to get ready... besides my jeans and blouse, I outlined my eyes with a black pencil and my lips with a lipstick.

Then I felt like a complete idiot, I'm not sixteen anymore.

I took off everything and made a ponytail, took a deep breath before going downstairs and finding the table ready, two glasses of wine and a delicious smell that came from the kitchen.

I walked in slowly, seeing Lauren on her back moving some pots. As she extended her arm to take something, her blouse stretched, molded to her body, leaving it more visible. I noticed that she had folded her sleeves and was so focused that she didn't even notice my presence.

"It smells good" I praised, reclining at the door.

Lauren turned to hear my voice and smiled.

"I hope you know that. I thought you would like to eat, traveling often whet your appetite" she said

"Do you eat well too? Feeding your mind" I asked, sitting down.

"Hm... you mean when I write?" she picked some vegetables, with her back to me.

"Yes." I said

"Yes, sometimes" she looked at me
"why? do you think I'm too fat?"

"What? I don't!" the truth is that nothing I'm saying makes sense.

She smiled and shook her head.

Some time later she dried her hands on a cloth and took a covered pot to the table in the living room. I followed her.

"Voalá!" she removed the lid, revealing the meat that was in the pot "madame..." she took my plate and served a little,she did the same with hers and took a seat. Then he filled our glasses with wine "for the reunion..." she offerer

I was surprised with the unparalleled taste of lunch, I raised my gaze just to say that when our eyes met. An electric current ran through my body, bristling. The intense green took me back a few years ago, when the same gaze directed towards me was full of love.

"It's wonderful." I praised in a low voice, unable to break the contact with her eyes.

"What's wonderful? The food or me?" she teased. At the same moment I put a violent red color, tearing a laugh "I'm just joking" she smiled "but I must say, you are wonderful, the passing of the years have left you much more beautiful than I remembered you..."

"Does that kind of compliments all the time?" I asked and put my hair back, while drinking the wine.

"Hm.." she started thinkinh and then she smiled because of my frightened face "no. I think that the age of playing has passed..."

"Okay..." I said and washed myself "well, you cooked, now the crockery is with me" I smiled, picking up the dishes.

"I imagine, you must be tired, let me do it." she said

"No way"

"Then... you wash and I dry" she made the proposal. I turned to answer her and I took a scare with her closeness.

Lauren had the two glasses in her hands when I almost hit her body, at the same moment the smile that was on her lips vanished and her gaze met mine.

Even with a distance between the two I felt the heat that emanated from her skin and the memories came with everything.

I remembered that Christmas night, the first we had together. Her eyes had a different sweetness, a special glow. It's hard to describe, it's completely different from everything I've seen.

That night we made loved under the light of the moon that entered through its window, until dawn. We love each other all night, insatiably and tirelessly.

I cursed myself for bringing all those memories back by having her body so close to mine. Lauren watched me silently when I broke the connection of our gaze and turned to go back to what I was.

"Did you wash these?" her hot breath blew on my neck when she spoke. I closed my eyes and counted to ten before answering.

"Yes, I did" I answered

She took the dishes and began to dry them in an intimidating silence. When we finished each one we went by our side. Lauren sat down at the kitchen table, opened her notebook and started writing, while I locked myself in the room to call Taylor.

"Camila, I tried to call you hours ago" she said as soon as she answered "forget about my house inside, Drew told me that Lauren went there" she started talking  "do the following, take the first flight and come here, without anything of buts."

"Taylor..." I started saying

"Excuse me, I know you needed to get away from Miami and I swear I had no idea that the house was already occupied" she continued as if she hadn't interrupted me.

"Taylor, I'm already at your house."

"Is the fact that I hadn't found any reason to discuss this with Drew and...." she stopped "wait, what?"

"I'm already here. With Lauren."

"Oh my God..." she murmured "are you okay, dear? do you need support? Do you want to talk about that?"

"I don't. everything is controlled..." I answered

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now