Chapter 65

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Camila's POV

It's hard to understand Lauren, her expressions confuse me, I can never guess at 100% what she's feeling. I let my fingers slide over her lips, bristling, remembering that same feeling in other parts of my body.

"Sometimes I would like to read your thoughts" she whispered

"Clearly I would also like to do the same with yours..." I said

"I don't think it's hard to discover what goes through my mind" she said

"Remember me, it is. "

La"Maybe you're looking in the wrong place, ot you just don't want to see it."

"Lauren, can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Yeah,sure" she said

"What do you feel? Now exactly."

She saw me for a few seconds,
then started saying.

"I feel complete."

That was it.

That's just what she said.

Her voice hid the true meaning of those three words. And I wanted to hit her for not telling me which they were...

"If your books were as summarized as the things you tell me, it would be better if you changed your profession" I murmured, making her laugh.

"Oh, dear. That's the fun of literature" she smiled, mischievous "interpret as you want."

"I'm afraid that I'm understanding everything wrong."

"Just tell me; when I speak, do you listen with your heart or with your ears?"

"With the heart, I think..."

"Then why do you say it's hard for you to decipher my thoughts? Camila, forget it, I'm not going to tell you anything with all the lyrics until I'm sure you're ready to listen..."

Lauren's POV

Luckily I saved my cell phone, I looked away from Camila and grabbed the small device that was on the dresser.


"Lauren..." his voice was completely tense. "I think Taylor is pregnant" he spat, all at once. I enlarged my eyes and stayed static on the bed

Camila frowned, watching me intently.

"Do you believe?" It was all I could say...
my sister... pregnant oh my God

"Right now he's in the office with the doctor who will examine the x-rays. Lauren, I don't know if I'm ready for such a big responsibility.."

"Drew, you're never going to be ready"
he snorted a thank you, ironic, before I finished the sentence "this really scares, I think. But you are going to learn together." I smiled "and they will have the unconditional support of several people."

"I'm terrified" he said

"Relax, you and Taylor are already mature people, mature, they already have a profession, that's a blessing."

"Why do I feel that someone will be a spoiled aunt?" he murmured, making me laugh.

"I won't embroider coats... I promise." He laughed a little.

Camila looked at me with an interrogation face.

"The doctor left the room. He is watching me. With a pathetic smile on his face. What I do?" he said desperately.

"Go there, Drew!" I ordered, laughing at the desperation I was in "oh ... and congratulations, dad!" I didn't stop completing, in the attempt to calm him, after confessing the fear that afflicts him.

End. Camila put both hands to her lips, I gave her a tender smile.

"You're fucking kidding!" she opened her eyes, barely containing the emotion. I nodded.

"I think my family is going to grow a little more" I said

Camila let out a scream and threw herself at me, hugging me, while we laughed.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now