Chapter 10

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Camila's POV

My intimate part contracted with the delicate and superficial contact of her lips, only Lauren's breathing made me throb.

I closed my eyes, unable to keep them open. Delicately she removed my underwear, passing one of her fingers in the place where I was before, causing my heart to lose my heartbeat.

I bit my lips and realized that I had already begun to pant. She deposited a small kiss at the peak of my pleasure, practically forcing me to hold on to the sheets when, in the sequence, her hot, wet tongue invaded the place, shooing away all the embarrassment.

I could feel for a small moment, there was only room for an intense and strong pleasure.

She sank into me, in a way that was impossible to contain the moans, my skin seemed extremely sensitive, because every little touch of Lauren out there caused an explosion of feelings in me.

I thought there was no way to have more in her hands, when she began the circular movements with her tongue, I bit my lips harder, I practically felt blood coming out of them, however, I didn't care.

She tortured me, at the same time that she left me dumb with all those indescribable sensations that she caused. The world could end at that exact moment that I would be happy, as long as she did not stop.

My body responded to everything, pressing on Lauren's, which increased the pace, my eyes rolled and I was certain that I had never felt anything so wonderful before.

The pleasure was increasing and intensified, reaching a level of unbearable delicacy. I shuddered, an explosive sensation taking over my body.

Lauren's POV

Every little gesture of Camila made me intensify even more everything I did, give pleasure to her, in some way, it makes me feel more woman. I raised my lips and smiled at whoever tried to control her breathing.

"I love you..." I whispered, making her open her eyes and see me. That chestnut bathed in desire made my body shudder.

"You're crazy..." she said in a choked voice.

"Crazy for you" I said

"No..." she said and took a deep breath
"I'm going to ask you now, I'm curious... isn't that disgusting?" she asked making a quick grimace, making me laugh.
"I mean, doesn't it taste bad?"

"My love, you are extremely sweet..." I said and placed a delicate kiss on her lips.

"You used to do this a lot, hmm!?" she asked, making me laugh again.

"I'm going to confess one thing.."
I went to bed next to her, Camila turned to me, leaving the sheet over her body

"It was disgusting to do this with those girls that I used to sleep with in Miami" I said and smiled "but I won't lie to you and tell you that I never did, in the end, the fingers and the tongue are the only methods..."

"It's okay, I don't want to know anymore."  she put her hands on my lips, keeping me quiet "I'll think I was the only one..."

"You went to the only one who did it because I loved you and you are the only one I love.." I said and smiled, leaving other kisses on her lips "I would do anything to see you happy."

"Believe me, I'm much happier now..." she smiled "If I didn't reach the sky, at least I managed to reach the stars."

I smiled, satisfied and delighted because Camila appreciates things in a different way, always manages to make me feel special.

And like never before, I was being special for someone, that fact, by itself, makes me the happiest person in the world.

The silence that followed was comfortable, I almost thought that the girl in my arms had fallen asleep.

"Now I'm ashamed" she murmured, making me look at her

"Ashamed of what, princess?" I asked

"Of this whole situation, I don't know..."
I felt her cheek that was actually hot, probably she was red "and I also feel half selfish."

"I won't shut my mouth again, because I only leave you alone with my thoughts and you come with a lot of nonsense..." I said

"It's serious, you always end up doing everything for me, you make me feel extraordinary things and I never correspond to you..." she sighed

"You have no idea how you are deceived"
I said and shook my head "watching you feeling pleasure... a pleasure caused by me, makes me feel the same."

"That's a lie" she said

"It isn't. And if it were, let's say that we are always in an eternal exchange..." I left it like this.

"Huh?" she looked at me confused

"I was the first one to make you feel pleasure, right?" she nodded "and you were the first one that taught me to love." I said and smiled "in the same way that I made you feel innumerable sensations tonight, you caused a whirlwind in my heart..."

"I'm going to reward you someday. I promise you..." she insisted. I shook my head and left it like that, it's too late to argue.

I tightened my arms around her small and delicate body, pressing my lips against her head, depositing a kiss. Camila has that power to make me feel alive.

Camila's POV

Even though my heart was beating hard there was no room in me to feel embarrassed, because my head was very busy reviewing the scene that just happened.

At a certain moment I thanked myself mentally for not being in Miami, because there, surely, Taylor was going to want a complete repertoire.

And that would leave me more ashamed of what I already am. I felt Lauren's breathing turn soft, I saw her face and a ternur took hold of me.

She may be worthy of a true prince, worthy of a white horse. I smiled and contoured her lips with my finger, but then I stopped, I don't want to wake her, she must feel exhausted after today.

I kept looking at her, not letting sleap beat me, I began to think about different times we spent together, in the first real smile she gave me, on our first night of love, in the kisses exchanged at her home in Miami, in her arrival at the airport...

I never imagined that an exchange would give a three hundred and sixty degree turn to my life. Certainly that wouldn't have been funny if I hadn't met the warrior who is now by my side.

I closed my eyes and let sleep transport me to a place where I can continue to see Lauren's smile. My dreams....

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now