Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

Without delay, I inserted my tongue into her mouth, feeling her tremble in my arms with the touch, I brought a hand up to her neck, massaging her, Camila brought her hands to my hair, squeezing them as she fitted her lips more and more into mine.

I continued with the caress, while playing with her tongue, exploring her mouth and pressing it against me every time. It's been a while, to be exact a year ago, that I haven't felt so complete.

It was still hard for me to calm my heart and believe that I am now with her, and that Camila won't leave the next day.
Her pink and fleshy lips called me more and more, until I bit them, making her sigh.

"You're driving me crazy..." I murmured.

"You've already driven me crazy..." she answered breathlessly. I smiled, brushing her lips "even more with that English accent that I love"

"So you like my accent" I lowered my hand down her back, caressing it, she nodded. "I'm going to talk to you closer so you can listen." I whispered in her ear, biting the lobe in the sequence, making her tremble.

"Enough to show, right?" she murmured, making me laugh.

"Come here..." I made her lie down on me again, I caressed her hair. Camila closed her eyes and an involuntary smile appeared on my lips.

"What?" she asked, looking at me.

"Nothing" I shrugged "I was just looking you. And how beautiful you are, you changed your court."

"I thought you hadn't noticed" she pouted, I smiled.

"It's clear that I noticed, you even have more woman's face..." I commented.

"Do you approve?" she asked

"Even bald I would find you pretty, then yes, I approve..." I said

Camila's POV

When I woke up it was late at night, Lauren was still asleep, I heard some noise coming from the room and I got up slowly, going out and closing the door.

"Goodnight" I saluted my parents, sitting on the couch "why are you whispering?"

"Nothing dear, we just did not want to wake you, you looked so tired."

"Remember me, Lauren won't get up so early." I smiled, remembering how tired she had come.

"She is a beautiful girl, but it doesn't convince me that she is only your friend..."

"Yes, of course she is" I said and smiled "and you dad, what did you think?" I asked

"She is beautiful, really! One day you'll end up falling in love, and the way you look at it, I'd say that day arrived, so I can say it's better than a girl full of piercings and tattoos..." he said and smiled, I corresponded.

Knowing that was his way of saying he approves it. It's strange to accept a relationship like that, but I really liked it.

We stayed a while longer in the room, talking, I prepared some sandwiches as dinner and then I returned to Lauren's side, with a little difficulty to go back to sleep, however, I had a beautiful distraction at my side to continue watching.

The next morning Marielle's voice flooded the house, I kissed Lauren's cheek, who still didn't wake up, I got dressed and went to meet my friends.

"So, where is the lindona?" she asked, before I could say anything.

"Sleeping, the schedule change kills" I explained, greeting each of my friends.

Almost half an hour later Lauren appeared in the room, her eyes swollen from sleep and her hair disheveled.

She was wonderful. Marielle choked on the coffee she was drinking when she saw her, making me laugh.

Lauren revealed a shy smile as she walked towards me and kissed my cheek. Marielle and Rob cleaned their own throat to get attention, in order to present them.

"Well, she's Marielle" I pointed to the girl, who was smiling "She is Rob. And that one eating is Sandra."

"Great pleasure..." she said sympathetically.

"Camila, ella es una diosa. Mierda, qué afortunada perra eres." (Camila, she is a goddess. Fucking shit, what a lucky bitch you are) she said, making me laugh.

"What?" Lauren asked, not understanding

"Nothing important." I replied, smiling.

"Hola. Mi. Nombre de pila. Es. Sandra"
(Hello. My. First name. Is. Sandra.)
Sandra said

"And there we go to one more session of Indian" she closed her eyes, while Lauren saw everything with a gesture of confusion "she is presenting herself." I commented, in English, to Lauren.

"Oh... sorry, I didn't understand" she said and smiled

"Nobody understood, don't feel bad...
Camila, en serio, voy a tener un orgasmo con la voz de tu novia" (Camila, seriously, I'm going to have an orgasm with your girlfriend's voice)

Marielle spoke again in Spanish, I held back the laughter "¿Y ese acento? Mierda, ¿por qué no al menos me trajiste un amigo tuyo" (and that accent? Shit, why at least you didn't bring me a friend of hers?)

"Tienes suerte, Lauren no entiende nada de lo que dices" (You're lucky Lauren doesn't understand anything you say.) I said and smiled, Rob and Sandra were still trying to converse with Lauren, now beckoning to her.

"And well, don't you have a brother or something?" she asked Lauren, saving her from Sandra and Rob.

"Yes, I have one" Lauren said

"CAMILAAAA!!! Why didn't you tell me that?" she asked

"Her brother is seven years old" I said and shrugged.

"And? I will wait for him to grow..." she said seriously, making Lauren laugh, since she had spoken in her language.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt