Chapter 58

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Camila's POV

"I told you I don't know. And also what does it matter to you to knowing my opinion? Didn't you have your prince of the ride?"
I replied, speaking again

"Oh, for sure. I had it" she took another step towards the front "I think I'll even write a book about that meeting" I closed my hand in a fist next to my body.

My nails were nailed hard in the palm of my hand "I will relate our meeting in the library"  I closed my eyes to contain the anger, when I opened them again she was a little closer. "and our dinner..." I bit my lips "his interrupted talk. And you know how I made it to be quiet?" it was too much, involuntarily I took my hands to my ears, not being able to listen more.

La la la, one, two, three little Indiane...
I mentally sang so as not to hear anything Lauren could say. Delicately she pulled my hands away, intertwining her fingers with mine, preventing me from being able to get away.

"I kept quiet.." she continued and I took a deep breath, feeling my body tremble with anxiety. Why does she mistreat me so much? "denying a kiss and wishing with all my strength that it will intensely return come from yoy"

I opened my lips trying to answer, but then I was quiet. It had nothing to say. I focused on her gaze, trying to certify that what he has just said is true. Her hand delicately pressed mine. I knew it was time to say something. She was waiting for that.

"Are you talking seriously? I mean... nothing happened?" I asked

"Besides the dinner? Nothing."

"But why? He was nice"

"Camila, stop running.." she let go of my hand and held my face "enough is enough"

"Lauren, I..." I took a deep breath, deciding to be honest "I was jealous, very jealous."

"I know" she smiled slightly, her hands came down to my waist, intertwining and coming closer "and you look so cute when you're upset" her nose slid down my cheek, causing my heart to beat even stronger with her proximity.

"So am I a bad actress?" I murmured, when her lips touched my skin.

"Maybe. Yesterday I almost believed you were sleeping. I almost didn't start kissing you."

"Well I almost bumped you..."

"I imagined it" she smiled, kissing the side of my lips "I was afraid you were going to"

"I wasn't going to be able to. I wasn't going to deliver on a silver platter to a guy" she laughed.

Her eyes met mine. The intense glow made me gasp. Damn, how much I love her.

"Your eyes are transparent" she commented "always speaking."

"Abd what do they tell you now?"

"They say you're feeling exactly the same as me."

Her hand touched mine delicately, she took it to a stop on h3r chest, making me feel her heart. I closed my eyes for a few seconds.

"Lauren..." my voice didn'y come out higher than a whisper. It was absurd the whirlwind of feelings that were found in my body with its simple act. The past, which is always present, returned, as it says;
This woman is yours. It always was.

Her eyes met mine when I opened them again, involuntarily I brought my hand to her face, caressing it, recognizing her. Lauren will realize that something is wrong.

"What happened?" she asked

"Lauren..." I whispered again, it was strange, but it was like it was the first time I was really seeing her.

Like the girl from a few years ago.

The girl I fell in love with.

She ran her hand through my hair, removing some wicks that fell down my face. Then she smiled.

"I think you're starting to understand..."

"To understand what?"

"That inside here..." she took her hand to her heart "everything is intact, even though on the outside we have matured and changed" I sighed "I just don't understand why you're running away... it's been a while. Yes, it happened some time, but what does it matter? If since we saw each other we love each other so much..."

Lauren's POV

Her eyes were full of doubts and uncertainties, at the same time in which there was a nostalgic brightness easy to recognize, to be equal to mine from a few years ago.

I was afraid to get closer, she seemed completely upset, but not in the bad way.

While facing the dilemma of speaking or not her phone rang. Camila frowned as she read the name on the screen, said a few words to someone whose name is Julian and then went whiter than paper.

I stretched my arms in time to hold her before she fell, as she did with her cell phone. one

"What happened?" I asked, sitting down. She didn't answer, her gaze was fixed on any point in the room. I noticed her eyes fill with tears as, I think, recapitulating what they just talked about "come here" I took her lightly, laying her down on my body and hugging her tightly "cry, princess..." I whispered "don't stop the tears"

And that's exactly what she did.

A weeping full of pain, making her whole body tremble, she held tight to my arm squeezing tightly, as if to say this can't be happening.

Then she closed her teeth, with anger.

"It's my fault" she said in the middle of the crying "I should never have taken this vacation, I should never have left it behind" she pulled away sharply and scratched her own arms, clearly wanting to transport the pain she felt to something physical.

"Shhh... don't hurt yourself" I grabbed her wrists to keep her from continuing with what she was doing.

"It was my fault Lauren, my fault" she pronunciated the words with great effort, while the tears still fell violently "he died because of me".

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now