Chapter 28

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Camila's POV

One night I sat down to talk with my dad and explain my point of view regarding Miami.

"Very good daughter, you can talk" he sat facing me at the table, laying aside the newspaper he was reading.

"I met many people in Miami, many more than you can imagine..." I started like tha. "that gave me many opportunities to get something there, mainly the possibility of being able to enter the faculty. One that will give me a very good title" I complete, in front of his null expression.

A"Camila, tell me something honestly, do you want to go there because you're really thinking about your future or about Lauren?" he asked and I looked at a few seconds, looking for the right words.

"I'd be lying if I told you that she has nothing to do with this decision. However, I will not go there to do nothing, I will go in search of my career."

"Daughter, you are young, intelligent, beautiful..." I smiled, without much grace "You have many people who will love you and are waiting for you throughout life... do you think it's worth leaving everything for a girl?"

"Papi, I have several doubts about falling in love with someone else" I said honestly, "And, as I say, I'm not just going for Lauren."

"It's a very strong change... and if something happens to you? How are we going to help you being so far away?" he asked

"I'm going to ask you something, but I don't want you to be offended, okay?" he nodded "you and my mom raised me for you or for life?" he sighed "I am no longer a girl..." I put my hand on his "although for you it remains so..." I smiled

"I grew up dad, I know how to take care of myself, this exchange really made me mature"

Although more understanding, my dad remained as firm as my mother.

"Camila, you are sixteen, not thirty..." he said and ended the conversation like that.

He got up, leaving me there alone.
I laid my head on the glass table, my energy completely exhausted. I stayed around for a while longer until I went back to my room and turned on my laptop.

"Harry, your idea of ​​being matured didn't work don't know what else to do..." I  talked to him through the webcam

"Princess, I didn't tell you what would work, I told you you could try."

"I don't know what else to do, they aren't helping me in anything.." I sighed, letting myself be carried back in the chair.

"Be patient... you are their little one" he said

"Have I already sent you to hell today?" I teased, laughing.

"Shut that mouth..." he frowned his forehead, after accompanying me in laughter "you treated me better when you were here. Was it just to make Lauren jealous?"

"Of course not. I am more courageous to say things around here." I said and turned my chair

"MY GOD, IT'S ALMOST SEVEN" he shouted, quickly rising from his chair
"I have to go to the course" he said
"take care of yourself"

And the connection ended.

I sighed and closed my notebook, the only thing that has been helping me keep in touch with people in Miami. I die every time I talk to someone I met there, I miss them very much.

When night had fallen and the only noise was the creaking of the floor, I leaned my elbows on the windowsill and looked up at the sky. In the midst of all the stars I looked for the three Marys...

Staring at the one in the center, our star. And to think if Lauren was also seeing her was inevitable, even if the idea was ridiculous, because of the tangled schedule.

"Now I show you where I come from..."
I whispered the song that she helped me write when I was in Miami "and what do I have the heart for..."

I closed my eyes for a moment, feeling a small tear wet my cheek.

Definitely doesn't serve to live like that.
I can't live without her.

I slept near four in the morning, with my eyes swollen and exhausted from so much looking for a solution to a labyrinth that seems to have no way out. The next day, when I went down to breakfast, my mom put the newspaper in front of me.

"Registration for the entrance examination next year is open... the tests begin in June of next year" she said

"What things don't!?" I aske letting the newspaper and took a plate "bad luck for the ones who will do it, they will have to stay inside a closed room with a heat of hell"

"Camila, you are going to do it" she said

"I told you... I'm not staying here in Mexico" I passed the jam on my bread "until you realized that I am now mature enough to decide what I want to do with my life."

"We're not going to discuss that anymore. We had a lot of patience with you in that crisis that you had as a spoiled teenager"
I sighed, trying not to see her

"We paid you the exchange, we gave Lauren a place to stay, we let you study a few hours this year. We are at the end of October, enough is enough, you are going to register or not."

"It's okay, I'll do it, I'll frame the same options on all the questions, hand in the test and get out" I saw her again "happy?"

"Forget about that idea of ​​living in Miami and get used to entering the faculty here
in Mexico" she left the room, leaving me alone.

I brought my face between my hands, trying to contain all the rage that gripped me.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now