Chapter 38

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Camila's POV

I felt the first rays of sun hit my face, Lauren was right, I was really tired, so much so that I fell asleep on the couch last night. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms, trying to ward off the laziness and muscular pains of the morning.

The light blinded me momentarily when I opened my eyes and froze when I saw Lauren asleep beside me.

I turned my body so that I could see her.

Her expression was relaxed, so much that it caused a sigh to escape me. So many years passed and she is still the most beautiful woman I know. I had to bring my hands back so wouldn't caress her face.

Millions of thoughts invaded my mind, among them, for the first time, the question will be that I made the right decision? Now having her so close I was afraid to regret leaving her. Need to return the hands of the clock and have dedicated more to this wonderful woman who now lost forever.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I had to bring my two hands to my mouth so she wouldn't hear the uncontrolled crying that came at once.

Lauren's POV

I looked around, taking time to recognize the place, only when laziness ceased I could identify where it was, I fell asleep. I looked for Camila for a while before noticing that she was no longer in the room.

After bathing I went down and the smell of fresh coffee hit me like a punch in the stomach, I hadn't realized that I was hungry, even more that I didn't have dinner last night.

When I reached the kitchen I found Camila on her back, her hair caught in a bun.


She turned with a frying pan in her hands, the photograph of a typical housewife made my heart tighten with the scene.

"Good morning!" she said and smiled "I'm frying some eggs" she went back to the kitchen "and a bit bacon... or what was left."

I started to laugh when I saw that I had burned the majority.

"Camila, about last night I..."

"Do you like fresh juice?" she interrupted me "I picked some oranges, isn't it magical?" He walked away to take them.

"I like it. But, returning to the matter..."

"And the bread? Bread with eggs? It's good, isn't it?" then I realized that she was fleeing the matter

I approached with slow steps, I held her gently from her shoulders until she saw me.

"Camila, stop rushing" touched her face, outlined the camanances of her cheeks.

She looked at me, her eyes brimming with nervousness, I didn't even know what was so important to say. I sighed and let go.

"Yes, I like bread with eggs."

I was afraid to approach Camila again, I kept my hands away from her and when I touched her inadvertently she murmured an apology. During breakfast there was only the sound of the cutlery against the plates.

"You can leave, I will wash them" I pushed the chair back as I got up.

"I will help you" she insisted, picking up some things and taking them to the kitchen.

I didn't have the strength to deny, I wanted her close.

We were immersed in absolute silence when Camila put one of the cups firmly on the counter and threw the cloth over it. I saw her, without understanding her reaction and ready to apologize for whatever it is.

"Okay, this is ridiculous. It won't break, ok!?" I wiped my hands and closed the key to listen to what she had to say "stop avoiding getting close to me, if I take a nudge it won"t be the end of the world" I held a laugh.

"Let me help..." she interrupted me.

"Don't say anything" she pointed her finger at me "if I hear that word once again today I swear I explode."

Accompanied a wick of her hair that was released by the shock and fell on her cheek. Delicately I pulled her away, settling her behind her ear, I traced her face with my gaze, lingering at certain points, what I did next was a consequence of that.

I took her by the waist until I encircled her body with my arms. My heart was beating very hard and an electric current came to me like a blow when I felt her skin against mine. Camila laid her head on my shoulder and stood still while I stroked her hair.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now