Chapter 99

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Lauren's POV

I accepted the invitation of my advisor to give a talk about my books in a school inside. Although it seems silly, being among people is one of the few things that still make me smile.

"Well, then, in itself, that's it" I finished, observing the anxious faces of the young people in front of me "any question?" I opened a bottle of water, putting a little inside the glass that was delivered to me.

A young woman shyly raised her hand. I smiled at him, telling him to talk while I felt the icy liquid go down my throat.

"I would like to know what you are inspired by."

"I uh yeah, what is your name, dear?"  I asked

"Mariana" she answered

"Ok, Mariana, I think everything inspires me..." I thought a few seconds "there is nothing specific. Daily scenes alone already give a good story to tell"
I smiled and she nodded.

"Anybody else?" I asked and another young woman raised her hand.

"Hello my name is Gabriela" she introduced herself "you don't have any 'inspiring Greek God' like the great poets of reading?"

Inevitably the beautiful intense eyes emerged in my mind, forming a contrast with the image of Camila sleeping three days ago. I sighed.

"Hello Gabriela" I smiled "I can't even be compared to people as great as those poets, but, yes, I have someone who inspires me"

I laughed heartily when listening to all the audience release a sonorous "hummmm", suggestive.

Two days later I returned to Miami, touched by Taylor's unexpected message.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Allyson put her hand on my shoulder, while I watched, with my eyes half closed because of the sun, Camilla's clinic.

"I have a lot to say. And I think they want to listen..." I sighed, pushing open the glass door as I entered. I felt the weather change, the cold air hit my body

"Excuse me, I came for the talk."

"Lauren? Lauren Jauregui? The writer?" said the secretary, with a great smile on her lips, I nodded, ashamed.

"What an honor to have her here, did you come to the talk about the future book?"

"No, I..." I took a deep breath, seeing my advisor, who nodded, giving me confidence
"I would like to talk"

A few days ago Camila opened a space for people who had left the drugs to relate their experiences.

Share your stories, and well, here I am.

Still a little disoriented the secretary directed me to a restricted area, where I heard, leaning against the wall, a man finish what he said. Some time later a woman led me to the small stage.

The fright was general when seeing me there. I sighed and smiled, nervous, sitting in a chair that was in place.

I cleaned my throat before I started.

"Hello. My name is Lauren and I was on drugs" I started. Several whispers filled the small auditorium.

"I lived this reality a few years ago, in my adolescence and I can affirm that sometimes the 'want' isn't enough to make someone let go of that flaw"

I breathed deeply

"I felt a constant need to 'get out of reality', to stay out of the air. And a small and expensive product gave me that refuge in a matter of seconds..." I looked to the ground "I lost in it. I needed to ingest drugs, it was something much stronger than me, an uncontrollable desire that was never satiated..." my hands were sweating as she recounted.

"I was imprisoned. I had conflicts with my family. I took away the people I loved the most... just for a few minutes of false joy" I smiled, bitterly "I was victim of damages. In the end, I was a young vagabond who didn't want to work" I shook my head "society doesn't understand it."

Camila's POV

I pushed lightly one of the doors that gave the audience, entering slowly and passing between the doctors, patients and nurses who filled the place, both sitting and standing.

The easy-to-identify voice filled the space, keeping the silence of those who listened. The surprise wasn't small to hear through the corridors that the famous writer was a drug addict.

Lauren had never talked about it, nor for her followers, much less for the editor.
It was a part of her life that nobody knew. And she is telling those who want to listen to her.

In my clinic.

I cursed myself for missing the beginning of the conference. But, God, how would I know she was here?

" [...] I didn't imagine my life without drugs. It was impossible. Just thinking about that, my whole body hurt, protesting" Lauren sighed, heavily.
The pain was clear in her eyes, or maybe only I know her more than well enough to recognize her expressions "until something changed, until someone changed me" I held my hand to my lips, holding the possible cry.

"That person came as a ray of sun and brought a light to that time of pure darkness. I dare say that today I wouldn't be here, if it had not been for her" I couldn't even see her, because of the accumulation of tears in my eyes.

"She saved me in every way that word could have. She loved me with all the flaws that I had and that, by the way, weren't few.." someone let out a laugh, to calm the tension "she knew to see a side of me that nobody else saw.But... that's not the point, what I want to say is that because of that person I started wanting to leave that world, I wanted to be good enough to impress her, to make her feel proud.
I did many things wrong, I disappointed her countless times... and that's why I got involved, twice, I followed the rules, I helped myself and I got out of the habit"
she let a small tear running down her cheek, her lips trembled and her voice came out a bit hoarse.

"What she meant is that... look for her sunbeam, look for another reason to fight and discover that life has a lot what to offer them It is a slow, painful process, bathed in tears..." she stopped, breathing deeply "I know it is possible to overcome it but if I could do it, you can too...
Thank you."

The applause was deafening.

She was acclaimed standing up.

Like a warrior.

As she deserves it.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now