Chapter 27

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Lauren's POV

Camila remained still, I think that not all the words in the world were going to remove that wrinkle that formed between her eyebrows. I touched her chin slightly, making her look me in the eyes, the chestnut of them were full of worry, of uncertainty ...

"Something I can promise..." I ran my finger lightly over her face "is that matter where I am, my heart will stay with you" with my free hand, I intertwined her fingers with mine "forever."

"And if you find someone better?" I opened my mouth to answer, but she shut me "or someone who is closer?"

"And just because I'm closer you think I'm going to love her?.." I answered, calmly "Camila, understand it, I took a long time to find you, so that you would find me" I smiled "you shouldn't be filling your head with thoughts that won't take you anywhere. With nonsense. I love you. Only you" I said and traced lips with my finger, she sighed, giving up.

I joined my mouth to hers, feeling its delicate softness receive me and a small and annoying pain in my chest from beginning to miss before time.

Camila's POV

The fateful morning arrived, I struggled with opening my eyes and finding reality. In slow and almost synchronized movements we went to the airport, to the same one that a while ago I wanted to arrive as soon as possible, and to which today I want it to be as far as possible.

Lauren's arms wrapped around me, increasing the knot in my throat. I
rested my head on her shoulder, watching the landscape go through the car window. We got off in front of the big glass doors, slowly we took out the suitcases, my parents insisted on accompanying us, as well as Marielle, who, miraculously, remained silent all the way.

"Last call for flight 195 to Miami" someone announced the cold, mechanical voice.

With my heart in my hand I saw her say goodbye to my family and Marielle.
Then she stopped in front of me, running her fingers over my cheek, full of tears. Her green eyes weren't very different from mine.

"I love you." she whispered, her voice husky and cut between tears.

"I love you too" I hugged her, inhaling her perfume to the maximum, not wanting to let go.

She sealed my lips for a while, then, delicately, Marielle took me back, knowing that otherwise I would never let her go.

I couldn't contain myself, when she began to move away I fell into a loud cry, the one that made me tremble from head to toe.
Lauren saw me one last time, also crying, although even more controlled, and then disappeared.

I let go of Marielle and ran to the glass windows, with my face next to them, and saw the plane take off. And take her away. Far from me.

Lauren's POV

With my slightly trembling body I took my place on the plane, allowing myself to cry. Seeing Camila so fragile made me feel helpless.

The image of her eyes bathed in tears accompanied me all the way to Miami, leaving me dazed and with a crazy desire to return. The soft voice of one of the flight attendants woke me up from my dream, asking me to put on my belt because we were going to land.

I went down feeling anesthetized, the days with Camila who is now a memory-the prettiest, with certainty-but still just a vague moment that stayed in the past.

In the distance I saw a large sign that had written "Welcome home, Laur" I dropped my backpack on the floor, as well as my bags and ran to meet my family, being greeted first by Chris, whom I quickly picked up in my arms.

"Hello champion, you have grown" I released him, messing his hair.

I embraced them all, shedding some tears, although nothing scandalous, I think I did more for the fact of being weak for having separated from Camila than for anything else.

"Hey, how's our long-haired angel?" Taylor asked, with her arm around my waist, as we left the airport.

"With short hair..." I smiled

"NO WAY!" she smiler without much grace, seeing to all the sides to make sure that it hadn't called much attention "why did nobody told me that?"

"It's only details" I shrugged. "I have pictures."

"Yes, I know you have them. You're not crazy enough to have forgotten to drink.."
I shook my head and kissed her hair, smiling.

Camila's POV

After Lauren's departure some things changed in me. I no longer saw Mexico as a good place to be, not after knowing Miami and discovering the recognition that is given to the labor market there.
A Mexican title is practically nothing compared to that.

"Want me to stay here and fuck my life?" I discussed once more with my mother about that matter "write down what I'm going to tell you, I'm not going to submit to that"

"Camila, enough" she put her hands on the table, facing me "return earth, the exchange has already finished, you won't spend all your life living as a guest in the house of others"

"I will work. In a short time I will buy my own apartment. I said for the thousandth time, I'm not going to stay here I" reported, convinced "in the United States any job is treated more decently than in this country" I took one of the dining room chairs and sat down "I saw closely how things are there, the opportunities, the opportunity to grow..."

"You are not going to live in Miami. Subject finished."

I shook my head and got up, heading towards my room. I opened my notebook and investigated again about life in Miami. the jobs, salaries... and although I tried to show the world that my main motive was only to grow professionally, I know that I am going there for something else. Something much greater.

With a smile on my lips I held tightly the pendant that hung from my medal.
With that name, the one that just by seeing it makes my heart beat stronger.


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