Chapter 63

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Lauren's POV

We were both exhausted, Camila insisted on putting on one of my longer t-shirts, claiming that she wouldn't feel good sleeping without anything, so I ended up wearing only a short one before practically fainting on the bed.

Around midnight, I noticed a little restless in my arms, moved a lot, uncomfortable with something. I loosened a little the pressure that was involuntarily around her body, seeing her with her hair a little disheveled and her eyes small.

"What happened?..." I asked

"There's a fucking mosquito" she murmured in a tone of boredom and I couldn't control a smile "Taylor must have some kind of a poison around here..."

I threw the sheets to the side and got up, Camila stood on the bed with her jaw locked, squinting.

It sounded a clap, I saw her again.

"Shit, I didn't kill him" she demanded. I controlled myself not to laugh.

"Give me two seconds"

I left the room, stumbling, looking for poison, luckily I found one in the kitchen.

When I came back Camila jumped on the bed trying to hit the wall.

"Hell, I don't know"

"If it doesn't die now, it won't die then"
I guarantee, and she sat down.

"I already got stung" she pouted, rubbing her leg furiously. I sat next to her and ran my finger over the bite, preventing her from scratching.

She looked up, her eyes meeting mine, her soft lips once again very close, calling me.

"Cute..." I whispered, caressing her face.

Camila's POV

We were too sleepy to do more than delight ourselves with the delicate kiss on the lips. After the incident with the mosquito the night passed quietly, I slept curled up in her arms, where, happily, I woke up the next morning.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" Lauren's soft voice sounded like the song of the birds in my ears. I took a deep breath, looking for her perfume, however, it was the smell of coffee that made me wake up faster.

"Hmm,something smells so good..."

"Thanks, I took a bath last night" she said, making me laugh. When I saw her again I noticed a tray next to her "I thought you would wake up hungry..."

I lazily sat down, receiving the sweetest smile.

"Do you know what I want before breakfast?" I asked

"What?" a small wrinkle formed between her eyebrows and I knew she would do anything to make me completely satisfied. As if the mere fact that she was there was not enough anymore.

"A kiss"

Her features relaxed, she smiled and quickly brushed her lips on mine, biting them slightly, her hand came to my face, caressing it, while slowly her tongue covered the space of my mouth that, undoubtedly, was made to measure to complete with her.

I felt a beautiful sensation, as if I lacked nothing else in the world, as if the presence of Lauren alone was enough to make me happy.

My heart was pounding and my head was refusing to admit something that my heart had already discovered long ago.

I'm still completely in love with her.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu