Chapter 30

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Lauren's POV

The truth is that I can't stand being further away from her either, every second is killing me, because, even if I say the opposite to Camila, I am very clear that it will be difficult to see us again so soon.

Every time I hear her voice, or I see her picture, my chest tightens and I just want to run away and go look for it. This is killing me. To the point of crying every night after finishing our virtual contact. As it happened today.

I left Taylor's room, after turning off the computer, I lay down on my bed and allowed the tears to run down my cheek, burning at the same time that they seemed to wash my soul. I always felt calmer after letting everything go.

"Lauren..." I looked back to see my sister who was leaning against the door, while speaking in a soft voice " I heard you cry"

I didn't hide when I cried as I normally do,
I needed my sister, for a hug.

Taylor approached, sitting next to me and in seconds I hid my head in her neck, wetting it. My body trembled as it made a supernatural effort to stop making so much scandal.

"Cry" she stroke my hair "it will make you feel better"

I followed her advice for a while until, slowly, I moved away from her, betting anything that my eyes were red and swollen. She ran her finger across my face, drying the tears, then pulled my hair back, while I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

"Are you feeling better? I know it's difficult to bear the pressure, I knew that at some point you were going to let out."

"It kills me not finding a solution. Be prey here" My voice came out hoarse and cut,
I couldn't speak without the knot in my throat forming again and the tears blinded me at every moment.

Time seemed to slow down, as the days went by I was more and more sunk in my own hole, literally crawling everywhere.
The swelling around my eyes was already so normal that nobody asked what had happened. Part of that because I doubt they have not seen me cry.

The reality came hard and cold hitting me in the face and saying: she won't come.
We are already approaching December and it is difficult for me to breathe.

I heard some knocks at the door, took a deep breath before I could open my mouth to ask for them to pass, Drew appeared and in small, slow steps approached. I passed my hand over my face and sighed tiredly.

"Do you feel like going for a round" Drew invited me, with the soft voice "something like friends, without taylor" I forced a smile, knowing that he is trying to help me.

"We can leave it for another time?" I asked

He saw me for a moment and then nodded, leaving me alone. One of the things that I admire most about Drew is his ability to know when I need some time for myself and when he should insist.

The worst part is that I know what everyone around me should be thinking and why they are clearly alarmed.

They think I'll go back to drugs...

Christmas arrived and with it the certainty that I will delay in seeing Camila, and with that in mind, this would not be one of the best Christmases.

"Well, the gift that I have Lauren I couldn't be wrap"  she said, getting up. I saw her, confused "and I couldnt find a box big enough either" she began to laugh "in addition, my gift fears the heights, that's why she didn't want to come in Santa's sleigh."

As she spoke she was approaching the door.

"Sister, I hope you like it..."

When she opened the door my legs wobbled, I analyzed the person who was there from bottom to top. The black boots, her tight jeans, the accentuated curves of her waist, a thick coat, the pink and fleshy lips, the hair falling down her shoulder, to reach her beautiful brown eyes.

"Merry Christmas!" Camila said

The sweet voice sounded over the replicas of the church bells and the fireworks announcing the arrival of Christmas, bringing me the best gift of all.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now