Chapter 86

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Lauren's POV

I couldn't close my eyes all night. The hours passed slowly while my stomach ached as I thought of Camila.

And how close she was.

I growled, letting myself be carried backwards until I fell on the bed, pressing a pillow against my face, in an attempt to stop the irritating voice in my mind.

Frankly, it is impossible to live like that.
I sat down, defeated.

The clock practically made fun of my face of horror to see that it had already passed five. I made the sheets aside and, dragging my feet, came to the kitchen.

I prepared a strong coffee and opened the door that took me to the balcony. The icy wind made me regret the act at the same moment.

I focused on the city, few cars passed by on the street, all of Miami seemed to be asleep, with the obvious exception of me.

I stopped fighting the cold and went into the apartment, drinking coffee in my cup. Inevitably the interrogations began in my mind, with questions that will remain unanswered. Is she even aware of how much I love her? How much only her perfume makes me lose my senses?

Geez, I feel an absurd lack of kissing her.

I dropped my head on the back of the sofa, closing my eyes for a few seconds, I'm really tired, my whole body asks me to sleep, but I just can't.

Not with this suffocating pressure in the chest.

Missing her is killing me...

Camila's POV

After the early morning covered in tears the brightness of the sun was almost an offense. I sighed, slightly annoyed with the singing of the birds, which predicted that today will be complicated.

After a moment, relatively short, lazy, I forced myself out of bed, stretched my arms and moved my neck, even with my eyes closed, before accepting that I can not stay hidden under the sheets forever.

I yawned, while preparing a strong coffee that would help me wake up once, since the bath was not very helpful, I passed the towel through my wet hair, while I put the hot and scented liquid into my cup.

I sat like an Indian on the couch, blowing coffee before drinking it. I took a deep breath, leaving it on the coffee table in the living room, I grunted, remembering that I still need to finish the cleanup that I started yesterday.

I washed the little dishes that had been left and went up to accommodate my room. The bed was calling, but I resisted bravely. I sat on the floor and opened the drawers of the dresser, with a garbage bag next to it to discard what was no longer necessary.

Bad idea.

Third drawer... photos.

Hidden Alliance Memories.

My eyes filled with tears as we saw our smiles frozen somewhere in the past.
It was much easier before, when I had nothing to lose.

The next picture was with Taylor and Drew, a little over two months ago, a bitter smile sprang up on my lips.

It's funny how people have the gift to criticize you, but when I need a hug I find myself alone in my apartment looking at old photos, you don't have to be very expert to realize which side they decided to support.

I feel that everyone is seeing me as the villain of the situation, the idiot who left the woman of her dreams for a stupid job.

Yes, but that work is the only thing really mine and it would have been a lot of selfishness to put up for Lauren and let the patients ruin the clinic and themselves, as well as deprive her of having the opportunity to meet a less complicated woman who can devote herself to the body and soul to her.

Lauren deserves that, she deserves someone who can be by her side at all times and not just at night.

But for how long am I going to be strong and resist the need to go after her?

According to my calculations, little... very little.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now