Chapter 4

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Lauren's POV

All that situation alone was very funny, in addition to everything there was a boy with green hair and a crazy girl making signs in front of me.

"Sandra, enough, what do you mean?"
I have no idea what she meant by that.
The girl growled and said something that made her laugh, returning to the breakfast room.

"Ignore her, she is angry because she does not know English" Camila said

"Tell her that my situation is even worse, I don't understand anything that any of you says." I said and smiled a little "she just doesn't understand me."

"Quiet, don't try to understand her, she has problems" Marielle said, smiling.

"And you were already abroad? The way you talk is incredibly good." I asked

"No, no. I learned right here, alone, with movies and so on" she shrugged "oh and thanks for the praise."

"You should go to Miami, ask Camila to take you when she visits me" I said and smiled embracing Camila from behind, she leaned on me  vand you're welcome."

"I won't leave Miami" she said and laughed along with Camila, seeing that I missed the joke she explained to me "I have a strong attraction for the Americans.. I would hardly stop exchanging saliva with enough guys from there." I finished laughing at her sincerity.

"Camila can introduce you to Harry"I pressed the waist of Camila, who was in my arms, making her laugh.

"Harry is gay Lauren, I already told you." Camila said

"I know, I just wanted to confirm it" I said making a face and she smiled.

"Hm, if he is Gay Rob, take advantage of it" she commented, delivering something that had already distrusted the boy with the green hairs.

"I don't understand what they like so much about my accent..." I commented.

"It's cute" Camila said

"It is extremely sexy..." Marielle completed, with a smile "jesus, I need a boyfriend."

"Really is very sexy..." Camila she agreed, brushing her lips over her shoulder.

"Leave your love distributor" Marielle protested, with mocking tone "don't rub me in the face that you already were with an American whispering things without meaning..." Camila colored slightly, but ended up smiling "I'm already bad enough to be remind me."

Camila's POV

I think my shame wasn't greater because of lack of space, Marielle said every sentence all the time, always insinuating something that made Lauren laugh and therefore I blushed.

"How funny your friend is" she commented, after the visit was over.

"You can remove that smile from your lips Jauregui. I'll call Marielle and we'll have a serious conversation so that I stop walking around throwing my intimacies out there..." I murmured, a little annoyed, she carried me to her arms, holding me by the waist.

"I liked knowing a little more about your life. But I'm not going to deny that I was a little bad, I thought I knew almost everything..." she sighed

"There are details that it is better to keep.." I winked, she smiled and brushed her lips on my cheek.

"The details are important..." she said

I decided not to discuss that, I just closed my eyes and I kept feeling her little touch on my face.

She brought her lips to meet mine, biting slowly, I took her neck, forcing her to kiss me, Lauren quickly responded to the request, leaving me satisfied.

Her lips practically danced on mine, something funny like a flight of butterflies.

The caress of her hand on my neck didn't help much to my self-control, however, it was extremely good to feel it.

And she obviously knew it.

"Well then, how about we take a walk?" she murmured, against my lips.

"What if you keep quiet and you keep kissing me?" I practically growled, not wanting to get away from me, Lauren let out a small laugh.

"I promise to kiss you when you want later, but now I would like to go out and take advantage of the day with your beautiful company.." she smiled, and shit.

It wasn't any smile, it was that smile.
The one that disarms me. And the one that makes her win any discussion.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now