Chapter 73

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Lauren's POV

I know that Camila is still upset with something, I am fully aware that she still feels confused, at the same time that I am aware that I can't perform miracles.

The only sound we heard while walking was that of our shoes hitting the street. Until I decided to pronounce myself.

"Camila" I called, whe looked up from the floor and saw me again.


"Can I ask you something?" she nodded as she climbed the small steps that led to the door and turned the key in the lock.

"Sure" she left the keys and looked at me again, when we were inside.

"Will you forget all that confusion that is in your heart? Just for today?"

"Lauren, whenever you touch me, I even forget my own name" she said, tearing me a smile.

"Forever?" I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her slowly closer to my body, reflexively she clung around my neck.

"Always" she closed her eyes, feeling my lips so close to her. I brushed them around and bit her bottom lip

"I love you..." I whispered, unable to contain myself.

"I love you too..." she opened her eyes, making me lose myself in their charming tone.

Her fingers were agile when she touched my neck so that my lips went to hers and she gave a way to start a delicate kiss.

Our heads moved synchronized, slowly, while our tongues were completely the opposite, more and more they looked for more contact.

"You're so sweet..." I whispered, not letting our lips move away much "fucking how I love seeing you so calm.."

"Shut up" she said softly, before she could laugh at her sharp tone she had already taken my lips with hers

Camila's POV

It's hard to think of anything other than the extreme contact of our skins when she touches me with such great desire.

I don't make an attempt to bring problems or remember anything other than how much I love her and how much I love her closer and closer to me.

It's a martyrdom when she decides to speak, although they are the most beautiful words, because her lips are so close, attracting me like a magnet and it's a sin to waste time with dialogues. Her soft mouth makes me feel certain that I am able to kiss her for hours.

Lauren lifted me off the floor, holding me in her arms, without letting go of the contact of our lips. I felt the roughness of the sofa against my back while his body warmed me from above.

I raised my head, looking for more contact with her mouth and bringing her closer when I went back to bed. My fingers were walking around her neck, while hers caressed my waist.

I slid my hand down her arm, feeling the one that so often protected me. The air was missing and I lowered the mouth to her neck, kissing it there, interspersing with small intentional suckers to mark it.

I heard her sigh and I smiled knowing that she also can't contain herself with some caresses.

"You smell very good" she ran her nose down my neck, inhaling the perfume permeating my skin.

I tangled my fingers in her hair, wanting to feel more and more the contact of her lips against my body. She didn't need a second invitation to let her mouth pass through the region. And that was the beginning of a long day in which we spent covered by the sheets, forgetting about the world, and only focusing on that moment.

In which we love each other until our bodies have no strength to withstand fatigue...

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