Chapter 31

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Camila's POV

We must leave some dreams behind, only this way we will be able to achieve the others...


5 years later, Miami

It didn't work.

It is difficult to say exactly when it all began to fall apart, we didn't have a drastic or worthy break in a film, it happened naturally, because it had to happen...

The long talks and sincere smiles were transformed into few words and smiles without much grace, we didn't know how to approach each other.

I focused on my studies, delighted with the faculty and with all the opportunities that came with it.

Lauren went right into her opportunity to edit her first-of-many-books, showing an amazing ability to create dialogues and stories, for a long time I joked with her that she would never be able to land to reality, she was always far away.

Floating And she really had a great skill for that, her books managed to capture the attention of everyone

And, besides that, there was one more reason, perhaps the greatest of all;
We both needed to meet new people,
to have new experiences.

The break was a unanimous decision, we both agreed, without tears, without broken hearts, without lies.


I fixed my hand on the railing, while lowering the small steps that led me back to anonymity, tired, I sat on the couch below.

"It was magnificent" my advisor Julian prased

"My good, I didn't come here for that, you know" I smiled. "It's an honor to be able to help those people..."

About three years ago I opened a rehabilitation clinic, in order to help people with drug addiction problems. The propagation of it happened in a fast way, something that scared me enough, in a few months it reached a great world recognition.

I am currently traveling around the world giving lectures and advising young people not to follow the wrong path, in addition to coordinating support groups that have already entered the world of addiction.

Even though I enjoy my profession I am beginning to get used to the idea that I need to take some time for myself, in a place where I can refresh my head, where they do not recognize me and I can rest a little. The pressure is strong, I don't deny that it is being difficult to carry all this alone. I need to escape the tension that I have been facing during these three years.

"Can we go?" Julian asked

Julian's voice captured my attention, I got up, hanging my bag over my shoulder and followed him to the parking lot. It was already very dark outside, a small cold air hit me making me hold the coat harder against my body as we crossed the place until we reached the car.

"Madame..." he opened the door.

I had already told him a million times that you don't need so much glamor or care, I'm not a star, I'm far from it, but since Julian discovered that we were the target of the media began to increase the proportion of things, treating me like I'm famous.

I fight against drugs...
He for a more pink world.

Julian is now my best friend and couldn't be different, I would never trust my projects to another person.

et's see your agenda..." he took his iPhone and frowned his forehead "hm ... you will have two more conferences and you will be free until further notice."

I closed my eyes, resting my head. I was exhausted.

"I told you my dear, you need a vacation."

"I'm starting to think about the possibility of taking some days off. You know that until now I have not done it because I am afraid that everything will come down in my absence.."

"You hired the best professionals, we know what we are doing..." I opened my eyes the moment he let out a smile "don't warm your head, go on a trip, go away, I promise you that anything will contact you immediately"

"I will, I promise." I guaranteed, feeling my words regret. Eh, I would sell my body for a bed right now.

The road to home was long or maybe I felt that way because of my exhaustion. I turned on the lights and threw the keys on the table, took a glass of water with plenty of ice and stopped in front of the large glass windows of the room, seeing the shine that emanates Miami. I finished taking everything in my glass before the phone rang.

"Hello?" I wiped my throat, forcing my voice to come out normal and not snore like it just sounded. Bad idea I felt it burn. I have spoken a lot in my lectures.

"Camila, dear..." Taylor's voice filled my ears. I sat down, your affairs are never quick "did I woke you up? You know I'm not very good with all this schedule change."

Taylor was in Aruba, for a second honeymoon. Regardless of my break with Lauren we never lost contact.

I quickly saw the clock. Two o'clock...
truth being told she has no idea of ​​time.

To any of you who have tumblr have y'all accidently ever sent a message to the wrong person by that small bow under the posts??
Why isnt there a delete button lol

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now