Chapter 37

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Lauren's POV

I turned the pen I held between my fingers while I stared at the screen of my notebook. The blank screen. I sighed heavily and ran my hands through my hair, it is impossible to concentrate to start a new chapter. I closed my eyes recapitulating what had been these years that I was away from the brunette who is now on the top floor.

I can't say that I went from bed to bed, but I clearly had several lovers. Strong, muscular men, with very masculine lines that confused me...

And elegant women, with sweet lips and sculptural bodies. Women who tried to inspire me, eomen to whom I smiled, who gave that smile reached my eyes but it was hell, to say the least. I couldn't, in any case, fall in love with any of those people...

My career opened many opportunities, to which I attached myself with enthusiasm and dedication. Since I didn't find a love I invented them in my books. How ironic that most of my main characters had brown eyes and the shape of Camila.

I knew the good and bad side of fame.
My readers were participatory and I liked being among them. However, sometimes I need absolute silence and I can't find it.

I drew a smile on my face, at the beginning only for my readers, then for the press, until I removed it from my lips. Anyone with a minimum of intelligence could see that I was not as happy as I looked.

I wanted to be. I wanted to believe that it was. But something was always missing, something that would give color to my days again and take me out of the falsehood that had been.

And then an attractive woman appeared with a lamp in her hand in the middle of my bathroom.

Camila's POV

I went down trying to make as little noise as possible, Lauren had her head in her hands, apparently tired. I felt the urge to stroke her hair and kiss the back of her neck, only to see her stand on end again.

Get back Camila.

"Hey, were you there a long time ago?" her hoarse voice woke me up, I finished going down.

"I didn't want to interrupt you" I said

"No, I'm done for today" she got up and leaned on the same chair "have you slept a bit?" I denied, I noticed how it was getting closer.

She stopped in front of me and stretched out her hand, removing some hair that was on my face, then stroked the same place.
I swallowed dry while I saw her lips.

"You're tired..." she whispered and it wasn't a question.

"Lauren..." I whispered "what do you feel?" I closed my eyes for a second, she was silent for a while before answering.

"I'm sorry... look at me" she touched my chin delicately, making me see her"I feel tickling in my heart. I didn't expect to see you again, but when it happened it was as if I had always been anxious for that moment..." I breathed deeply "and you are so pretty..." she narrowed her eyes as she spoke.

"Thanks, I..." I cleaned my throat "I don't know why I asked that."

She smiled a little and then tilted her head towards me, then left a delicate kiss between my cheek and my mouth, then moved away and went upstairs

Lauren's POV

I stayed a good time on the top floor, the proximity with Camila was dangerously tempting, but still everything was crazy.

I lived five years of my life without her, five years in which I thought I was doing the right thing. Maybe that was my mistake. I wasn't born to be normal.

I went through so many things, from drugs, to the publication of my first book... I crawled over the last few years, without realizing that my biggest mistake was having moved away from my greatest motivation, the only person who could get me out from the deepest of the grounds and fill my life with joy.

A true joy, incomparable. And I only realized that that was what I needed when I saw it again and I felt as if I had found everything that I needed.

When I returned to the living room the sun had already been hidden, the lights were off leaving it in the dark, I lit the lamp. The one that was left, obviously.

And I found a plate of food covered on the table. In the next second I realized that Camila had fallen asleep on the couch and a boundless tenderness took hold of me.
I deduced that she had already had dinner and left me something to do afterwards.

I took her in my arms slowly and carefully and went up with her to her room.
I laid her on the bed and removed her shoes, releasing her from the pressure on her feet. Then I took the blanket and covered her. I sat next to her and stroked her hair, without leaning back a lot, so as not to wake her up. An involuntary smile was born on my lips while watching her sleeping.

All the nostalgia made my lips tremble, when I realized that I wanted to cry.

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now