Chapter 54

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Lauren's POV

A while after the breakfast function Camila announced that she would take a bath. I inevitably began to imagine the scene in my head, forcing me to leave the house and feel the cold breeze that ran outside.

The extremely disconcerting noise of my cell phone sounded high, making me look for it quickly in the pockets of my pants.


"Lauren, how are you?" Ally's calm, professional voice flooded my ears. As always she didn't wait for my answer, because she ain't interested in it
"I have a great proposal for you."

"Well speak" I said, sitting down in one of the rocking chairs.

"Fortunately, I received an invitation to a conference in New York, the city where everything happens, if you understand me" she murmured "if you accept you will travel tomorrow and you will live with the most renowned writers, in the almost infallible attempt to be recognized internationally" behind her professional voice I perceived animated intonations.

My first reaction was to be dazzled by the invitation, after all, who wouldn't?
One side of my conscience shouted that opportunities like this don't happen every day. In fact, this is an opportunity that very few receive. And it parachuted into my lap.

However, when I was ready and was going to do the wisest thing to do, accept...

Camila opened the door of the house while passing the towel through her recently washed hair.

And my stomach stirred with the question: if I accept the invitation I will have to leave her...

If the proposal had come at any other time I wouldn't hesitate to accept. But now I really wouldn't feel happy anywhere else. My voice sounded convinced when I refused, despite Allyson's insistence.

Camilas's POV

I watched Lauren's strange behavior intrigued after she finished the call.
She was distant, thoughtful.

My mind began to work to find an answer to her reaction. The first thing I thought was that it must have been one of her women or men, causing a twinge of jealousy and discontent.

Camila, you don't have that right anymore. A voice reminded me. However, it was hard not to give Lauren an ironic look when considering that possibility. It took me a while to realize that she was looking at me now. And I lost my balance when she fixed a smile on her lips, detonating all my doubts.

"Come here..." she tapped lightly on her knee, indicating where I should sit. I do not know how I could walk to her.

"2hat were you thinking so focused on?" she pushed back a little of the hair that fell down my face when I interlaced her neck with my hands.

"I return the question."

"I probably just lost one of the best opportunities of my career" she said and shrugged.

"What happened?"

She told me about Allyson's call and her invitation.

"Lauren, are you crazy? Call her right now and tell her you accept." I searched for her cell phone, touching her pockets.

She delicately held my hands, preventing me from continuing with what I was doing.

"She was aware of the consequences when rejecting..."

"And why did you do it?" I asked

"Because I don't want to get away from you..."

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now