Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

The last few days it's been difficult to communicate with Camila and the people who are here, since they only spend time speaking in Spanish and the times that I ask about her changing the subject and, as expected, that happens at this moment, as well that, without staying, I left the room and went up to the room, where I lay on the bed and flipped through a book that I didn't even want to read.

"Hey, what happened?" Camila asked

"Nothing." I answered and I didn't take my eyes off the pages.

"Are you upset?" I felt the bed sink and she crawl up to me "hm? how good is the book?" she continued, reminding me of the time when we were sweeping the streets of Miami, that she didn't stay silent for a second. That's how she'll talk alone.
Is she better than me?

"What is it Camila?" I sighed, finally closing the book.

"That's what I'm asking you" she said and I gradually felt her closer.

"Nothing, there is no difference if I'm down there or not" I said and shruged "I don't understand a word of what you say."

"I told you a million times that it's nothing" she took my hand "but, I am sorry" she said and looked me, with those brown eyes shining "hm?" she touched her lips on my cheek.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that I had already lost the battle.

Camila's POV

The morning of June 27th dawned sunny, the birds sang, while my birthday girl slept peacefully. I prepared a tray with juice, coffee, some things from the cafeteria that she likes so much, some sandwiches and a small cake with candles.
Her gift I decided to give it to her at night, at the party I prepared her at the club.

I quietly entered the room and left the tray on the desk, then ran and jumped on Lauren.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I shouted, excited, as I laughed to see her face with a mixture of fright and sleep "wake up, sleepy" I filled her face with kisses and felt her pull my hair away.

"Hm, what a perfrct to wake up like that..."

"Sit down, my lazy birthday girl" I got off of her and went for the tray "I did it for you" I placed her on her lap, watching her yawn and rub her eyes.

I lit the candles and improvised a birthday song, making her laugh.

"Make a wish"

"Hm.." she thought a little "okay" she smiled "blow it with me?" she asked and I nodded, smiling. We blow the candles.

"In a few days the candles will no longer fit in the cake. You are becoming old..." I said

"Am I a pretty old woman?" she said and I laughed.

"Yes you are."

"Well then it's fine" she smiled.

"I'll give you your gift later." I said

"My greatest gift is to be here with you today" she smiled "there's nothing I want more than this..."

Lauren's POV

Camila's parents insisted on taking us out for lunch, for my birthday and they did not even let me pay. In the afternoon I received a call from Miami.

From someone I missed a lot.

"Happy birthday, sister!" she cried, cheerful. I smiled and shook my head, sitting down "I miss you!"

"Thank you, Tay. I miss you too." I said

"Mommy and Daddy want to talk to you too, so I can't take long... but I want you to know that I am very happy for you, for what you achieved this last year and for being 'clear' on your birthday" I smiled "in short, I wish you all those sluts that are said on birthdays."

"Thank you. And Chris?"

"Ah, let's say he decided to congratulate you in his way and do not ask me what it is because I won't tell you" I nodded "ok, I have to pass the phone, I love you motherfucker"

"Me too" I said

I talked a bit with my parents and I end i cause I understand a bit how Camila felt in Miami. What it was like to talk to your family and not see them.. a short time later, an order arrived by mail for me.

"Is it you?" I asked Camila, who denied. "Hm..." I opened the package and found a toy cart with a note.


This is so that you never forget me.
And so you can play a lot there with Mila. Mommy says you're going back soon, but I miss you already. Can not you come now?

Happy birthday!


Oh, when you come back, will you give me the toy cart back?"

The exchange 2 (camren) English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now